Expense Entries v3

The Expense Entries API is used to manage expense reports and their entries in SAP Concur solutions. It allows for the synchronizing and reconciliation of expense related information with your internal systems and reporting modules.

1.1 documentation is available here.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Retrieve All Expense Entries

Version 2.0, covers a wider range of partner scenarios and is recommended as the first step. However, depending on the entries you need to retrieve, using a combination of version 2.0 and version 3.0 should be considered. To see examples, review the VAT Reclaim integration guide.

Get a New Expense Entry

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/entries


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
reportID query string The report ID of the entries to be retrieved. Format: An alpha-numeric GUID string.
paymentTypeID query string The ID of the payment type of the entries to be retrieved.
batchID query string The batch ID for the entries to be retrieved. The batch ID identifies the batch that contains the report payee associated with the entries.
isBillable query boolean Determines whether the operation retrieves entries that are billable. Format: true or false
attendeeTypeCode query string The ID of the attendee type for the entries to be retrieved.
hasAttendees query boolean Determines whether the operation retrieves entries that have attendees. Format: true or false
hasVAT query boolean Determines whether the operation retrieves entries that have VAT details. Format: true or false
expenseTypeCode query string The code for the expense type for the entries to be retrieved.
attendeeID query string The attendee associated with the entries to be retrieved.
offset query string The starting point of the next set of results, after the limit specified in the limit field has been reached.
limit query integer The number of records to return. Default value: 25
user query string The login ID of the user who owns the entries. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Create a New Expense Entry

POST  /api/v3.0/expense/entries

Note: Entries cannot be created on reports that have entered a workflow at least once.


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
content body - Required The expense entry object to create.
user string query The login ID of the user who owns the entries.

Request URL


JSON Example of a Successful Response

  "ID": "gWidFO7ikXV647DRpQmvCXeFNA4VPTOczCg",
  "URI": "https://www.concursolutions.com/api/v3.0/expense/entries/gWidFO7ikXV647DRpQmvCXeFNA4VPTOczCg"

Updates an Expense Entry

PUT  /api/v3.0/expense/entries/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The expense entry ID.
content body - Required The partial or complete expense entry object to update.

Request URL


Get an Expense Entry

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/entries/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The expense entry ID.
user query string The login ID of the user who owns the entries. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Delete an Expense Entry

DELETE  /api/v3.0/expense/entries/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the expense entry to delete.
user string query The login ID of the user who owns the entries.

Request URL




Name Type Format Description
Items array Entry The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.


Name Type Format Description
AllocationType string - The type of allocations for the expense. Supported values: P - partial allocation, F - full allocation, N - no allocation. Use the GET /expense/allocations function to get information about this entry’s allocations.
ApprovedAmount decimal - The approved amount of the expense entry, in the report currency.
CompanyCardTransactionID string - The unique identifier for a company card transaction that is associated with this expense. Concur Expense uses the Credit Card Import job to import company card transactions. Use the GET CompanyCardTransactions function to get information about these card transactions. This element is null when there is no company card transaction associated with this expense.
Custom1 through Custom40 customField - The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
Comment string - A comment that describes the expense entry. Maximum length: 500 characters
Description string - The description of the expense. Maximum length: 64 characters
ElectronicReceiptID string - The unique identifier for an eReceipt that is associated with this expense. Use the GET eReceipts function to get information about this eReceipt. This element is null when there is no eReceipt associated with this expense.
EmployeeBankAccountID string - The unique identifier of an employee bank account that is associated with this expense. Typically, this element is used when Expense Pay reimburses the employee for this expense. Use the GET BankAccounts function to get information about this bank account.
ExchangeRate decimal - The currency conversion rate that converts the transaction amount that is in the transaction currency into the posted amount that is in the report currency. This element is typically not provided. If this element is empty for transactions in a currency different than the user’s reimbursement currency, Expense will use the company’s configured exchange rates to determine the posted amount for the transaction. If the system is not able to determine the exchange rate, a value of 1.0 will be used.
ExpenseID string UUID The unique identifier of the expense entry that is being retrieved. Compatible for use with v4 endpoints.
ExpenseTypeCode string - Required The code for the expense type. Use GET /expense/expensegroupconfigurations to learn the expense type code for expense types that are active for this report’s policy.
ExpenseTypeName string - The name of the expense type, localized to the user’s language.
FormID string - The ID of the form used by this expense entry.
HasAppliedCashAdvance boolean true / false Whether the entry has a cash advance applied to it.
HasAttendees boolean true / false Indicates whether the expense has attendees. Use the GET /expense/entryattendeeassociations function to get information about this entry’s attendees.
HasComments boolean true / false Whether or not the expense entry has comments.
HasExceptions boolean true / false Whether the expense has exceptions. Use the GET ExpenseEntryExceptions function to get information about this entry’s exceptions.
HasImage boolean true / false Indicates whether there is an entry image attached to the entry. Use the GET Entry Images function to get this entry image.
HasItemizations boolean true / false Indicates whether the expense has itemizations. Use the GET /expense/itemizations function to get information about this entry’s itemizations.
HasVAT boolean true / false Indicates whether the entry has VAT data.
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource. Compatible for use with v3 endpoints.
IsBillable boolean true / false Indicates whether the expense is billable.
IsImageRequired boolean true / false Indicates whether an entry image is required for the entry.
IsPaidByExpensePay boolean true / false Whether the entry is paid using the Expense Pay service. This element has a value if the report has reached the Processing Payment workflow step, because this is when Concur Expense determines whether it will be paid by Expense Pay.
IsPersonal boolean true / false Indicates whether the expense is personal (that is, non-reimbursable).
IsPersonalCardCharge boolean true / false Indicates whether the expense entry was imported from a personal card feed. Concur Expense uses the Yodlee API to import these card transactions.
Journey journey - Journey data. This element is used when the entry is a mileage expense. For expense types with an expense code that is either Company Car or Personal Car, the Journey child element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code that is neither Company Car nor Personal Car.
LastModified dateTime - The UTC date when the entry was last modified.
LocationCountry string - The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code where the expense was incurred.
LocationID string - The unique identifier for the location where the expense was incurred. Use the GET /common/locations function to get information for this location.
LocationName string - The location where the expense was incurred, usually the city name.
LocationSubdivision string - The ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision state, province, or other country subdivision where the expense was incurred.
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 customField - The details from the Org Unit fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
PaymentTypeID string - Required The ID of the payment type for the entry. Use GET /expense/expensegroupconfigurations to learn the payment type ID for payment types that are active for this report’s expense group. For expense types with an expense code that uses a transaction amount instead of a distance, this element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car, because these two expense codes always use the Cash payment type.
PaymentTypeName string - The name of the payment type, localized to the user’s language.
PostedAmount decimal - The amount of the expense entry, in the report currency.
ReceiptReceived boolean true / false Indicates whether this entry has been reviewed by a processor. Format: true or false
ReportID string - Required The report ID of the report where the entry will be added.
ReportOwnerID string - The login ID of the report owner. Use the GET User Information function to learn details about this user.
SpendCategoryCode string - The ID of the spending category that is specified for this expense entry.
SpendCategoryName string - The name of the spending category that is specified for this expense entry, localized to the user’s language.
TaxReceiptType string - The receipt type for this entry. Supported values: T - tax receipt, R - regular receipt, N - no receipt
TransactionAmount decimal - Required The amount of the expense entry, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car.
TransactionCurrencyCode string - Required The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense entry transaction amount. This is the currency in which the vendor was paid. For expense types with an expense code that uses a transaction amount instead of a distance, this element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car, because for these two expense codes the currency is always the Report Currency. Updating an entry’s TransactionCurrencyCode through an API call will not automatically update the ExchangeRate, both must explicitly be updated for the report to reflect the posted amount in the report’s currency.
TransactionDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DD Required The date when the good or service associated with this expense entry was provided.
TripID string - The unique identifier of a trip in the Itinerary Service that includes a travel booking associated with this expense. Use GET ItineraryDetails to get information about this trip and the travel booking. This element is null when there is no trip associated with the expense.
URI string - The URI to the resource.
VendorDescription string - The name of the vendor for the expense entry. Maximum length: 64 characters
VendorListItemID string - The unique identifier for a vendor list item. Use the GET /common/lists function to get information about this list item.
VendorListItemName string - The name of an item from a vendor list.


Name Type Format Description
Code string - For list fields, this is the list item code.
ListItemID string - For list fields, this is the list item ID.
Type string - The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text
Value string - The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters


Name Type Format Description
BusinessDistance Int32 - The portion of the journey for business use, in the report owner’s unit of measure for distances. This element is required in order to post a personal car mileage expense entry, or to post a company car mileage expense when there is no PersonalDistance value. When using the Odometer elements, the sum of PersonalDistance and BusinessDistance must equal the difference between OdometerEnd and OdometerStart.
EndLocation string - Required Indicates where the journey ended. This is also known as the “To Location”. Maximum length: 100 characters
NumberOfPassengers Int32 - The number of people in the vehicle during the journey. Used with Variable-Rate, Personal or Company Car.
OdometerEnd Int32 - The odometer reading at the end of the journey. The value must be greater than the OdometerStart value. This element is used with Variable-Rate and Company Car configuration types.
OdometerStart Int32 - The odometer reading at the start of the journey. This element is used with Variable-Rate and Company Car configuration types.
PersonalDistance Int32 - The portion of the journey for personal use. This element is required in order to post a company car mileage expense when there is no BusinessDistance value. When using the Odometer elements, the sum of PersonalDistance and BusinessDistance must equal the difference between OdometerEnd and OdometerStart. Used with Company Car configuration types.
StartLocation string - Required Indicates where the journey started. This is also known as the “From Location”. Maximum length: 100 characters
UnitOfMeasure string - Required The unit of measure for distance and odometer values. Supported values: M - miles, K - kilometers

NOTE: Clients that have Car Configurations that include variable rates or custom mileage expense type codes are not supported. We only support Car Configurations that include Personal Car One-Rate definitions, using the default mileage expense type code (MILEG) where Google Maps is not set as mandatory.

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