Spend Extension v4.1

Spend User Extension lets callers retrieve users in the SAP Concur.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Prior Versions

Spend Extension v4 documentation is available here.

Retrieving all Spend Users in a Company

Retrieves all the spend users for a given company. The result is paginated and can be filtered using the parameters listed below.


spend.user.general.read - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


GET https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4.1/Users
Name Type Format Description
startIndex integer startIndex >= 1 The starting index of the paginated result.
count integer 100 >= count >= 1 The number of user resources to return on a single page.
filter string ABNF compliant The SCIM-compliant filter string to be used when retrieving user resources.

NOTE: Not all aspects of SCIM filtering are supported. The following fields are implemented with the corresponding set of operators:

  • cashAdvanceAccountCode { eq, ne }
  • country { eq, ne }
  • customData { complexValue that contains and, eq }
  • ledgerCode { eq, ne }
  • locale { eq, ne }
  • nonEmployee { eq, ne }
  • reimbursementCurrency { eq, ne }
  • reimbursementType { eq, ne }
  • stateProvince { eq, ne }
  • testEmployee { eq, ne }



1. Filter users with country eaul to “US” and get the first 4 users.


GET https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4.1/Users?startIndex=1&count=4&filter=urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User:country eq "US"


    "schemas": [
    "totalResults": 10294,
    "Resources": [
            "schemas": [
            "id": "aaaaaaaa-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "User",
                "created": null,
                "lastModified": "2022-03-18T01:22:37.327Z",
                "location": "https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4/Users/aaaaaaaa-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "version": null
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User": {
                "reimbursementCurrency": "USD",
                "reimbursementType": "CONCUR_PAY",
                "ledgerCode": "DEFAULT",
                "country": "US",
                "budgetCountryCode": null,
                "stateProvince": "WA",
                "locale": "en-US",
                "cashAdvanceAccountCode": null,
                "testEmployee": false,
                "nonEmployee": false,
                "biManager": null,
                "customData": []
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Approver": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Delegate": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Role": {
                "roles": [
                        "roleName": "SHD_BUDGET_APPROVER"
                        "roleName": "EXP_REIMBURSEMENT_APPROVER",
                        "roleGroups": [
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:UserPreference": {
                "showImagingIntro": true,
                "expenseAuditRequired": "REQUIRED",
                "allowCreditCardTransArrivalEmails": true,
                "allowReceiptImageAvailEmails": true,
                "promptForCardTransactionsOnReport": true,
                "autoAddTripCardTransOnReport": false,
                "promptForReportPrintFormat": true,
                "defaultReportPrintFormat": "DETAILED",
                "showTotalOnReport": true,
                "showExpenseOnReport": "ALL",
                "showInstructHelpPanel": true,
                "useQuickItinAsDefault": false,
                "enableOcrForUi": true,
                "enableOcrForEmail": true,
                "enableTripBasedAssistant": false
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:InvoicePreference": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:Payroll": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:WorkflowPreference": {
                "emailStatusChangeOnCashAdvance": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnCashAdvance": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnReport": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnReport": false,
                "promptForApproverOnReportSubmit": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnTravelRequest": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnTravelRequest": false,
                "promptForApproverOnTravelRequestSubmit": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnPayment": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnPayment": false,
                "promptForApproverOnPaymentSubmit": false,
                "emailOnPurchaseRequestStatusChange": false,
                "emailOnPurchaseRequestAwaitApproval": false,
                "promptForPurchaseRequestApproverOnSubmit": false
            "schemas": [
            "id": "aaaaabbb-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "meta": {
                "resourceType": "User",
                "created": null,
                "lastModified": "2022-03-17T19:18:04.123Z",
                "location": "https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4/Users/aaaaabbb-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "version": null
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User": {
                "reimbursementCurrency": "USD",
                "reimbursementType": "CONCUR_PAY",
                "ledgerCode": "DEFAULT",
                "country": "US",
                "budgetCountryCode": null,
                "stateProvince": "WA",
                "locale": "en-US",
                "cashAdvanceAccountCode": null,
                "testEmployee": false,
                "nonEmployee": false,
                "biManager": null,
                "customData": []
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Approver": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Delegate": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Role": {
                "roles": []
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:UserPreference": {
                "showImagingIntro": true,
                "expenseAuditRequired": "REQUIRED",
                "allowCreditCardTransArrivalEmails": true,
                "allowReceiptImageAvailEmails": true,
                "promptForCardTransactionsOnReport": true,
                "autoAddTripCardTransOnReport": false,
                "promptForReportPrintFormat": true,
                "defaultReportPrintFormat": "DETAILED",
                "showTotalOnReport": true,
                "showExpenseOnReport": "ALL",
                "showInstructHelpPanel": true,
                "useQuickItinAsDefault": false,
                "enableOcrForUi": true,
                "enableOcrForEmail": true,
                "enableTripBasedAssistant": false
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:InvoicePreference": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:Payroll": {},
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:WorkflowPreference": {
                "emailStatusChangeOnCashAdvance": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnCashAdvance": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnReport": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnReport": false,
                "promptForApproverOnReportSubmit": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnTravelRequest": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnTravelRequest": false,
                "promptForApproverOnTravelRequestSubmit": false,
                "emailStatusChangeOnPayment": false,
                "emailAwaitApprovalOnPayment": false,
                "promptForApproverOnPaymentSubmit": false,
                "emailOnPurchaseRequestStatusChange": false,
                "emailOnPurchaseRequestAwaitApproval": false,
                "promptForPurchaseRequestApproverOnSubmit": false
    "startIndex": 1,
    "itemsPerPage": 2

Retrieving a Spend User

Retrieves a specific user’s spend data.


spend.user.general.read - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


GET https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4.1/Users/{UserId}
Name Type Format Description
UserId string RFC 4122 A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace The unique identifier for the user that should be retrieved.




GET https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4.1/Users/aaaaaeee-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


    "schemas": [

    "id": "94bf66c2-272c-4760-91f5-4d5290a033a8",
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "User",
        "created": null,
        "lastModified": "2024-01-19T20:10:34.377Z",
        "location": "https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4/Users/aaaaaeee-xxxx-zzzz-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "version": null
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User": {
        "reimbursementCurrency": "USD",
        "reimbursementType": null,
        "ledgerCode": "DEFAULT",
        "country": "US",
        "budgetCountryCode": null,
        "stateProvince": null,
        "locale": "en-US",
        "cashAdvanceAccountCode": "",
        "testEmployee": false,
        "nonEmployee": false,
        "biManager": null,
        "customData": [
                "id": "orgUnit4",
                "value": ""
                "id": "custom5",
                "value": ""
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Approver": {},
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Delegate": {},
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Role": {
        "roles": [
                "roleName": "EXP_USER"
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:UserPreference": {
        "showImagingIntro": false,
        "expenseAuditRequired": "ALWAYS",
        "allowCreditCardTransArrivalEmails": false,
        "allowReceiptImageAvailEmails": false,
        "promptForCardTransactionsOnReport": false,
        "autoAddTripCardTransOnReport": false,
        "promptForReportPrintFormat": false,
        "defaultReportPrintFormat": "FAX",
        "showTotalOnReport": false,
        "showExpenseOnReport": "ALL",
        "showInstructHelpPanel": false,
        "useQuickItinAsDefault": false,
        "enableOcrForUi": false,
        "enableOcrForEmail": true,
        "enableTripBasedAssistant": false
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:InvoicePreference": {
        "emailOnPurchasingAssigned": true,
        "emailOnPurchasingSendBack": true,
        "emailOnFaxImageAvailablePaymentRequest": true,
        "promptNewLineItemsPaymentRequest": true,
        "displayInlineImage": false,
        "autoOpenImage": false
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:Payroll": {},
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:WorkflowPreference": {
        "emailStatusChangeOnCashAdvance": true,
        "emailAwaitApprovalOnCashAdvance": true,
        "emailStatusChangeOnReport": true,
        "emailAwaitApprovalOnReport": true,
        "promptForApproverOnReportSubmit": false,
        "emailStatusChangeOnTravelRequest": true,
        "emailAwaitApprovalOnTravelRequest": true,
        "promptForApproverOnTravelRequestSubmit": false,
        "emailStatusChangeOnPayment": true,
        "emailAwaitApprovalOnPayment": true,
        "promptForApproverOnPaymentSubmit": false,
        "emailOnPurchaseRequestStatusChange": false,
        "emailOnPurchaseRequestAwaitApproval": false,
        "promptForPurchaseRequestApproverOnSubmit": false


List Response

Name Type Format Description
schemas string - The schemas present in the resource.
totalResults integer int32 Required The total number of results returned by the list or query operation.
Resources FullSpendUser - A multi-valued list of complex objects containing the requested resources.
startIndex integer int32 The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of list results.
itemsPerPage integer int32 The number of resources returned in a list response page.

Full Spend User

Name Type Format Description
reimbursementCurrency string - Required Valid three digit or letter currency code in the list of system reimbursement currencies. Length: 3 characters
reimbursementType string - The reimbursement type for the user. Supported values: ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE, ADP_PAYROLL, CONCUR_PAY, OTHER.
Not a Required field type. Note: If you specify the ADP_PAYROLL as the reimbursement method type in this field, use the ADP Extension.
ledgerCode string - Ledger code to associate with the user. Maximum Length: 20 characters
country string - Country/Region. Required Valid ISO 3166 country code. Length: 2 characters
budgetCountryCode string - Valid ISO 3166 country code for Budget. Length: 2 characters
stateProvince string - Valid ISO sub country code. Example: WA. Length: 2 characters
locale string - Required Valid locale from the list of configured locales as defined in [RFC5646]. Example: en-US. Length: 5 characters
cashAdvanceAccountCode string - Valid cash advance account code. Maximum Length: 20 characters
testEmployee boolean true/false A Boolean value indicating whether the user is a test user. Can’t be modified after the user is created. Can only be set at creation.
nonEmployee boolean true/false A Boolean value indicating whether the user is a non-employee.
biManager UserReference - The employee ID of the Reporting Manager. Must be existing employee ID or in current import. No circular reporting among users, field is nulled if logic in error.
biHierarchy BiHierarchy - The object contains the long code and the sync guid of the last list item in Reporting Hierarchy.
customData CustomData - The Custom Data associated with this user.

For Standard entity, there are a few conditions need to be noted:

  1. Org Unit 1 (which is “Expense Policy Group” in the UI) depends on Custom21 (which is “Employee Administration Country/Region” in the UI). Policy groups are created per country/region. In the UI, if you change Custom21, you must also select Org Unit 1.
  2. Reimbursement Type depends on two fields: Custom21 and Currency. Each reimbursement type is created for a country/region and a currency. In the UI, if you change Custom21, you must also select Reimbursement Type (the currency is usually auto-selected for you).

The combination of Custom21 and reimbursementCurrency define the possible valid values for reimbursementType. If both are sent, it should be clear what the valid reimbursementType values are.


BIHierarchy is the object that contains the long code and the sync guid of the last list item in Reporting Hierarchy.

Name Type Format Description
code string - The long code of the last list item in Reporting Hierarchy.
syncGuid string - The sync guid of the last list item in Reporting Hierarchy.
href URL - The URI to the last list item in Reporting Hierarchy.

Custom Data

Custom Data is the object used as the value of customData in the Spend User Extension.

NOTE: The associated type or field of the custom data needs to be checked from the forms and fields.

Name Type Format Description
id string - custom1 - custom22, orgUnit1 - orgUnit6
value string - Value of the custom field. For list = List Item Code.

ADP Extension

ADP Extension provides the ADP setting associated with a Spend Identity.

NOTE: ADP Extension should only be used when reimbursementType is specified as ADP_PAYROLL.

Name Type Format Description
adp ADP - Payroll settings for a Spend User.


Payroll is the object that defines the properties for the payroll settings and used in the Payroll extension.

Name Type Format Description
companyCode string - Required The company code for the Spend User within Payroll.
deductionCode string - Required The deduction code for the Spend User within Payroll.
employeeFileNumber string - Required The identifier for the Spend User within Payroll, also known as the Employee File Number.

Approver Extension

Approver Extension provides the approvers associated with a Spend Identity.

NOTE: In order to be assigned as an approver, the user must have the corresponding value of spend role for each product. Refer to Spend Role Extension for how to assign a spend role.

Name Type Format Description
report SpendApprover - A user’s expense report approvers.
cashAdvance SpendApprover - A user’s cash advance approvers.
request SpendApprover - A user’s request approvers.
invoice SpendApprover - A user’s invoice approvers.
purchaseRequest SpendApprover - A user’s purchase request approvers.
statement SpendApprover - A user’s statement approvers.
budget SpendApprover - A user’s budget approvers.

Spend Approver

Spend approver is the object for representing an approver which is used in the Approver Extension.

Name Type Format Description
approver UserReference - Required The UserReference of the approver.
primary boolean true/false Required If true, the associated user is primary approver.
NOTE: Only Report and Request support non-primary approver.

Approver Limit Extension

Approver Limit Extension provides the approver limits associated with a Spend Identity.

By default, GET Users or GET single user only returns the config in Global group.

In order to get the top 1000 config for a specific user, requests need to add the query parameter as the following.


GET /profile/spend/v4.1/Users/7a09c62a-4004-4068-a478-0e2889c1bd8d?attributes=urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:ApproverLimit

Or use GET Users endpoint along with the following query parameter to iterate through all users that have config for a specific group.


GET /profile/spend/v4.1/Users?filter=urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:ApproverLimit:authorizedApprover[approvalType eq \"report\" and approvalGroup eq \"XYZ\"]
Name Type Format Description
costObjectApprover SpendApproverLimitConfig - The user’s cost object approver’s approver limits.
authorizedApprover SpendApproverLimitConfig - The user’s authorized approver’s approver limits.

Spend Approver Limit Config

Spend approver limit config is the object that represents an approver limit that is used in the Approver Limit Extension.

Name Type Format Description
approvalType string report/payment/request/purchaseRequest Delegate options for changing Expense, Invoice, Request, or Purchase Request.
exceptionApprovalAuthority boolean true/false Indicate whether this approval config has the exception authority.
approvalLimit double - The upper bound of the approval authority.
reimbursementCurrency string - Valid three digit currency code in the list of system reimbursement currencies.
approvalGroup string - Group to be associated with the approval rights; if blank, resolves to the global group.
level integer - The approval level of the user. This denotes the sequential order in which the user(s) will approve the report or request.

Each user must have the corresponding role/permission to configure the approver limit properly.

ApprovalType Role

Delegate Extension

Delegate Extension provides the delegates associated with a Spend Identity. Delegates are individuals acting on behalf of a named list of specific users.

NOTE: In order to be delegated as a delegate, the user itself must have the same corresponding value of spend role for each product as the user delegated for. Refer to Spend Role Extension for how to assign a spend role.

Name Type Format Description
expense SpendDelegate - The user’s expense delegates.
payment SpendDelegate - The user’s payment delegates.
purchaseRequest SpendDelegate - The user’s purchase request delegates.

Spend Delegate

Spend delegate is the object that represents a delegate that is used in the Delegate Extension.

Name Type Format Description
canApprove boolean true/false If true, the delegate can approve.
canPrepare boolean true/false If true, the delegate can prepare.
canPrepareForApproval boolean true/false If true, the delegate can prepare for approval.
canReceiveApprovalEmail boolean true/false If true, the delegate can receive approval emails.
canReceiveEmail boolean true/false If true, the delegate can receive emails.
canSubmit boolean true/false If true, the delegate can submit.
canSubmitTravelRequest boolean true/false If true, the delegate can submit travel requests.
canUseBi boolean true/false If true, the delegate can use BI.
canViewReceipt boolean true/false If true, the delegate can view receipts.
delegate UserReference - The UserReference to the delegate.
temporaryDelegation TemporaryDelegate - Determines if delegate can temporarily approve.

Temporary Delegate

Temporary delegate is the object that defines the temporary start date and end date’s delegate permission.

Name Type Format Description
temporaryDelegationFromDate string - Valid ISO 8601 Date and time. Start date for delegate’s temporary approval permission. Example: 2020-09-20T22:35:36.532Z
temporaryDelegationToDate string - Valid ISO 8601 Date and time. End date for delegate’s temporary approval permission. Example: 2030-12-20T22:35:36.532Z

Spend Role Extension

Spend Role Extension provides the spend roles associated with a Spend Identity.

Name Type Format Description
roles Role - Expense roles for a Spend User.


Role is the object that defines the spend role and groups, which is used in the Spend Role extension.

Each group-based role in the system is assigned to a specific feature hierarchy that is defined by a customer list. Each roleGroup represents the assignment of the specified role to a particular node of that hierarchy and each group-based role can be assigned to one or more nodes.

Since hierarchies are defined by a connected list, the individual roleGroup node is defined by the list item codes concatenated by a hyphen. For example, if the feature hierarchy list is configured with the structure "Research and Development(R&D) -> Quality Assurance(QA) -> Expense Team(Exp)", the value of the roleGroups is "R&D-QA-Exp".

The structure of the hierarchy for a given role can be viewed by navigating to the “Permissions Administrator” screen. There are two modes for navigating and assigning roleGroups: Default and Named Groups. The mode to be used is based on the “Use Named Groups” site setting.

By default, the hierarchy structure is navigable via a tree control, and each node of the tree is available for assigning a role. With the “Use Named Groups” feature turned on, only nodes that have been “named” in the Group Configurations screen are available for Role assignment. See documentation on Named Groups for more information on this feature.

Name Type Format Description
roleName string - Required Spend role for a Spend User.
roleGroups string array - Required Group(s) to be associated with the Spend role.

NOTE: Please refer to the Spend Role Codes page for the available value of roleName.

User Preference Extension

User Preference Extension provides the properties of user’s preference associated with a Spend Identity.

Name Type Format Description
showImagingIntro boolean true/false If true, displays imaging introduction. Default: true
expenseAuditRequired string - Expense audit is required. Supported values: NEVER, REQUIRED, ALWAYS
allowCreditCardTransArrivalEmails boolean true/false If true, allows credit card transaction arrival notification emails. Default: true
allowReceiptImageAvailEmails boolean true/false If true, allows credit card transaction arrival notification emails. Default: true
promptForCardTransactionsOnReport boolean true/false If true, displays a prompt for company card transactions when creating a new report. Default: true
autoAddTripCardTransOnReport boolean true/false If true, adds company card transactions within trip dates to one (1) click expense report.
promptForReportPrintFormat boolean true/false If true, displays a prompt for the report format before printing.
defaultReportPrintFormat string - Default expense report print type. Supported values: RECEIPTS. DETAILED, FAX
showTotalOnReport boolean true/false If true, displays report totals on detailed report.
showExpenseOnReport string - Show expenses on detailed report. Supported values: ALL, PARENT, NOTHING
showInstructHelpPanel boolean true/false If true, displays instructional help. Default: true
useQuickItinAsDefault boolean true/false If true, uses quick itinerary as default.
enableOcrForUi boolean true/false If true, enables OCR for UI.
enableOcrForEmail boolean true/false If true, enables OCR for Email.

Invoice Preference Extension

Invoice Preference Extension provides the properties of user’s invoice preference associated with a Spend Identity.

Name Type Format Description
emailOnPurchasingAssigned boolean true/false If true, send email when a request is assigned to purchasing.
emailOnPurchasingSendBack boolean true/false If true, send email when a request is sent back from purchasing.
emailOnFaxImageAvailablePaymentRequest boolean true/false If true, send email when a fax image is available for a payment request.
promptNewLineItemsPaymentRequest boolean true/false If true, prompt a user with a window to create new line items when creating a new payment request.
displayInlineImage boolean true/false If true, display Image Inline.
autoOpenImage boolean true/false If true, auto Open Image.

Workflow Preferences Extension

Workflow Preference Extension provides the properties of user’s workflow preference associated with a Spend Identity.

Name Type Format Description
emailStatusChangeOnCashAdvance boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the cash advance status changes. Default: true
emailAwaitApprovalOnCashAdvance boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when a cash advance is awaiting approval. Default: true
emailStatusChangeOnReport boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the report status changes. Default: true
emailAwaitApprovalOnReport boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when a report is awaiting approval. Default: true
promptForApproverOnReportSubmit boolean true/false If true, a prompt for approver is displayed when submitting a report. Default: false
emailStatusChangeOnTravelRequest boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the travel request status changes. Default: true
emailAwaitApprovalOnTravelRequest boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when a travel request is awaiting approval. Default: true
promptForApproverOnTravelRequestSubmit boolean true/false If true, a prompt for approver is displayed when submitting a travel request. Default: false
emailStatusChangeOnPayment boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the payment status changes. Default: true
emailAwaitApprovalOnPayment boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when a payment is awaiting approval. Default: true
promptForApproverOnPaymentSubmit boolean true/false If true, a prompt for approver is displayed when submitting a payment. Default: false
emailOnPurchaseRequestStatusChange boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the purchase request status changes. Default: true
emailOnPurchaseRequestAwaitApproval boolean true/false If true, an email is sent when the purchase request is awaiting approval. Default: true
promptForPurchaseRequestApproverOnSubmit boolean true/false If true, a prompt for approver is displayed when submitting a purchase request. Default: false

User Reference

User Reference is the object that defines the identifier fields of a User.

Name Type Format Description
value string uuid The unique universal identifier of the Spend User.
employeeNumber string - The employee number of the Spend user.

Error Message Response

Name Type Format Description
schemas string - The schemas present in this resource.
scimType string - A SCIM detailed error keyword.
detail string - A detailed, human readable message.
status integer int32 The HTTP status code.

On this page