List v4

The Lists APIs allow you to view your configured lists within SAP Concur products and create new lists. The lists are shared between multiple SAP Concur products.

Prior Versions

List v3 documentation is available here.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API.

Please note that while the POST endpoint is technically functional for the Standard Edition platform, it is not currently supported for that platform. The resulting list will be unusable as there is no way to associate a new list to an existing field or associate a new field to an existing list in Standard Edition. Full compatibility and support is available for Professional Edition platform.

Process Flow

A process flow diagram of the List API

Products and Editions

  • Concur Expense Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Request Professional Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoints Read-only access to spend lists. GET
spend.list.write Read and write access to spend lists. GET, POST, PUT
spend.list.delete Delete capabilities for spend lists. DELETE


Users must be an Expense, Invoice, Shared or Request Configuration Administrator in order to perform POST, PUT, and DELETE actions.

Access Token Usage

This API supports both company level and user level access tokens.

Get All Lists

Returns all lists for a company.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



GET /list/v4/lists
Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: Company defined default language
category.type string Filter capabilities for category type
isDeleted string Filter capabilities for isDeleted
levelCount string Filter capabilities for levelCount
page integer($int32) Page number starting from 1. Default: 1
sortBy string Field to order by {name, levelcount, listcategory}. Sort by name is ordered by value. Sort by levelcount is ordered by levelCount. Sort by listcategory is ordered by category.type. Default: name
sortDirection string Sort direction {asc, desc}. Default: asc
value string Filter capabilities for value



Status Codes





Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 746696dc-8782-4642-815d-3080640786c7
content-length: 5632
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:45:48 GMT
etag: "02ebe9fc5c950a031f85c57ac91a0babb"
cache-control: no-cache, private
    "links": [],
    "content": [
            "id": "a80a5070-3951-4316-886a-a60ab790f06b",
            "value": "Airlines",
            "levelCount": 1,
            "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
            "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
            "category": {
                "id": "a2dfc451-8f3c-410e-a5f2-20d79c8fc3dc",
                "type": "Vendor"
            "isReadOnly": false,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "managedBy": null
            "id": "8652cdf9-c12b-4051-b8d1-80e20840ce9b",
            "value": "Employee Groups",
            "levelCount": 1,
            "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
            "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
            "category": {
                "id": "d232b1e3-43da-4a2d-adaf-eb948045e8cf",
                "type": "Configuration"
            "isReadOnly": false,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "managedBy": "appId:030bb845-765a-4e96-b223-735d72a4526b"
    "page": {
        "size": 100,
        "totalElements": 2,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "number": 1


The Get All Lists API supports filtering. The filter may be applied to the value, category.type, isDeleted and levelCount parameters.

Query Syntax

The general format of a query syntax parameter is as follows:

  • field_name - The name of the field that will be compared against.

  • op - (Optional) The comparison operator to use when comparing the specified value to the field. Defaults to eq.

  • value - The value being checked for.

Ensure the url generated is properly URL encoded. For example, if you have a field_name or value with a &, please convert it to %26.



Comparison Operators


eq returns results where a field is equal to the supplied value. This is the default if no operator is specified.


Not Equal To

not returns results where a field is not equal to the supplied value.


Starts With

sw returns results where a field startsWith the supplied value.


Ends With

ew returns results where a field endsWith the supplied value.


Contains Pattern

cp returns results where the provided pattern exists in the specified field.


Greater Than

gt returns results where a field is greater than the supplied value.


Greater Than or Equal To

gte returns results where a field is greater than or equal to the supplied value.


Less Than

lt returns results where a field is less than the supplied value.


Less Than or Equal To

lte returns results where a field is less than or equal to the supplied value.


Get All Lists API Supported Operators

Value Filter Operators

The Get All Lists API supports filtering the value field of the ListResponse on the following operators:


GET /list/v4/lists?value=Invoice%20Group
GET /list/v4/lists?value=eq:Invoice+Group
GET /list/v4/lists?value=sw:Vendors
GET /list/v4/lists?value=ew:Airlines
GET /list/v4/lists?value=not:test
GET /list/v4/lists?value=cp:Group

Deleted Filter Operators

The Get All Lists API supports filtering the isDeleted field of the ListResponse on the following operator:


GET /list/v4/lists?isDeleted=true

Level Count Filter Operators

The Get All Lists API supports filtering the levelCount field of the ListResponse on the following operators:

GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=1
GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=eq:1
GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=gt:2
GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=gte:3
GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=lt:10
GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=lte:9

Category Type Filter Operators

The Get All Lists API supports filtering the category type field of the ListResponse on the following operators:


GET /list/v4/lists?category.type=Configuration
GET /list/v4/lists?category.type=eq:Vendor
GET /list/v4/lists?category.type=not:Configuration

Conjunction Operators

Basic “and” conjuction of filter queries is supported. The following is an example of a supported “and” conjunction with a search for lists with level count greater than one and isDeleted is true and the value contains the pattern “Configuration”.

GET /list/v4/lists?levelCount=gt:1&isDeleted=true&value=cp:Configuration

Create a New List

Creates a new list.


spend.list.write - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



POST /list/v4/lists
Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: Company defined default language
listRequest - Required List object that is created for the company.




Status Codes




Create a List

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "value": "Custom List",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT"
HTTP/1.1 201
concur-correlationid: 5512c7be-3fab-4d65-ae69-8a74a04a0c7f
content-length: 269
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:00:42 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
    "id": "80edb3fa-c15e-a34a-b97f-f2ec291ab44f",
    "value": "Custom List",
    "levelCount": 1,
    "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
    "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
    "category": {
        "id": "a2dfc451-8f3c-410e-a5f2-20d79c8fc3dc",
        "type": "Normal"
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "managedBy": null

Create a List in a Specific Category

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "value": "Custom Vendor List",
  "categoryId": "a2dfc451-8f3c-410e-a5f2-20d79c8fc3dc",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT"
HTTP/1.1 201
concur-correlationid: 5512c7be-3fab-4d65-ae69-8a74a04a0c7f
content-length: 269
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:00:42 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
    "id": "80edb3fa-c15e-a34a-b97f-f2ec291ab44f",
    "value": "Custom Vendor List",
    "levelCount": 1,
    "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
    "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
    "category": {
        "id": "a2dfc451-8f3c-410e-a5f2-20d79c8fc3dc",
        "type": "Normal"
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "managedBy": null

Create a Managed List

See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.

Update a List

Update an existing list.


spend.list.write - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



PUT /list/v4/lists/{listId}
Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: Company defined default language
listId string($uuid) Required The unique identifier of the list.
listUpdate - Required List object that is updated for the company.




Status Codes




Update a List

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "value": "Custom List Renamed",
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT"
HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: e3a4d4cf-e1b2-4f22-a95c-b5bb8a2cb0e1
content-length: 275
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:24:16 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "id": "80edb3fa-c15e-a34a-b97f-f2ec291ab44f",
  "value": "Custom List Renamed",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "77b85a76-8157-0c4e-b5e3-7785d8de1a6b",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": null

Update a List to Be Managed

See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.

Update a Managed List to Not Be Managed

See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.

Get a List by List ID

Returns a list by a List ID.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



GET /list/v4/lists/{listId}
Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: Company defined default language
listId string($uuid) Required The unique identifier of the list.



Status Codes





Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 6a5803f6-b63b-49d8-88b3-872f456206c2
content-length: 275
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:45:48 GMT
etag: "08514b0fce90d634c211aba29d1cc94c2"
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "id": "80edb3fa-c15e-a34a-b97f-f2ec291ab44f",
  "value": "Custom List Renamed",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "77b85a76-8157-0c4e-b5e3-7785d8de1a6b",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": null

Get a List by Category ID

Returns a list by a category ID.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



GET /list/v4/categories/{categoryId}/lists
Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: Company defined default language
categoryId string($uuid) Required The unique identifier of the category.
page integer($int32) Page number starting from 1. Default: 1



Status Codes





Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 0e80dff7-93b7-4b43-a1b6-a91ebe5c55f0
content-length: 364
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:45:48 GMT
etag: "02e60234cf6ae61aadd7f066e839b07fb"
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "links": [],
  "content": [
      "id": "80edb3fa-c15e-a34a-b97f-f2ec291ab44f",
      "value": "Custom List Renamed",
      "levelCount": 1,
      "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
      "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
      "category": {
        "id": "77b85a76-8157-0c4e-b5e3-7785d8de1a6b",
        "type": "Normal"
      "isReadOnly": false,
      "isDeleted": false,
      "managedBy": null
  "page": {
    "size": 100,
    "totalElements": 1,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "number": 1

Remove a List

Delete a list.


spend.list.delete - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



DELETE /list/v4/lists/{listId}
Name Type Description
listId string($uuid) Required The unique identifier of the list.



Status Codes





Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 204
concur-correlationid: d92ab0c7-510b-4730-99a8-14a79ad99b7c
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:45:48 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private


Paged Resources List Response

Name Type Format Description
content array ListResponse -
page PageMetadata - Metadata for the page of data returned.
links array Link Href links to the next, previous, first, and/or last pages of data.

List Response

Name Type Format Description
id string uuid Unique identifier of a list.
value string - Name of the list.
levelCount integer int32 Number of levels in the list.
searchCriteria string - What attribute to search by {TEXT, CODE}.
displayFormat string - Whether the code or value is displayed first {(CODE) TEXT, TEXT (CODE)}.
category ListCategory - The category of the list.
isReadOnly boolean true/false If true, the list is read-only.
isDeleted boolean true/false If true, the list has been deleted.
managedBy string appId:uuid The application ID permitted to make modification API calls to this list. See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.

List Category

Name Type Format Description
id string uuid Unique identifier of a category.
type string - Category type.

List Request

Name Type Format Description
searchCriteria string - What attribute to search by. Supported values: TEXT, CODE
value string - Required Name of the list.
categoryId string uuid The unique identifier of the category that the list belongs to.
displayFormat string - Whether we display code or value first. Supported values: (CODE) TEXT, TEXT (CODE)
isManaged boolean true/false Optional field. If not included in the payload will default to false. If true the list will be set to managed by the application ID in the Authorization header. See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.

List Update

Name Type Format Description
value string - Required Name of the list.
searchCriteria string - What attribute to search by. Supported values: TEXT, CODE
displayFormat string - Whether we display code or value first. Supported values: (CODE) TEXT, `TEXT (CODE)
isManaged boolean true/false Optional field. If true the list will be set to managed by the application ID in the Authorization header. If false the list will be set to be not managed. See Managed Lists for additional details on the managed list features.


Name Type Format Description
message string - The detailed error message.
id string - The identifier of the error.

Page Metadata

Name Type Format Description
number integer int32 The page number.
size integer int32 The number of lists per page, which is fixed at 100.
totalElements integer int32 The number of total elements.
totalPages integer int32 The number of total pages.
Name Type Format Description
rel string - The link relation.
href string - The link href.

Error Message

Name Type Format Description
error Message - Required The detailed error message.
httpStatus string - Required The http response code and phrase for the response.
path string - Required The URI of the attempted request.
timestamp string date-time Required The time when the error was captured.
validationErrors array ValidationError The validation error messages.

Validation Error

Name Type Format Description
message string - The detailed message of the validation error.
source string - The type of validation that failed.

Managed Lists

A managed list is a list in which all modifications to the list are restricted to a single application ID or a single internal service identifier. When a list is managed, only API calls from that managing application ID or managing internal service identifier are authorized to make updates to the list items in the list. Modifications to the managed list in the UI are disabled.

Additionally, list imports are not permitted on the managed list. Running a list import on a managed list will result in error.

The managed list feature is useful if a partner application or internal service is responsible for maintaining the items in a list and needs to restrict modifications of the list by the UI users or other API callers.

To set a list to be managed, use the Create List API call. See the example in Create Managed List.

To update an existing list to be managed, use the Update List API. See the example in Update list to be managed.

To update a list to not be managed, use the Update List API. See the example in Update managed list to not be managed. When a list is no longer managed, the UI modifications will be permitted, the list import will be permitted, and updates via API calls by all application IDs will be permitted. The application ID that set the list to managed status is the only application permitted to mark the list as not managed.

Create Managed List

To create a managed list, call the Create List API setting the isManaged field to true. The API will extract the application ID from the Authorization JWT token. This application ID will be the only application ID permitted to perform modifications to this list. Modifications include updating and deleting the list, and creating, updating, and deleting list items from the list.

The Create List API response will contain the managedBy field populated with either the application ID from the request Authorization JWT token in the format appId:<uuid app id> (Example: appId:898e830b-254a-4167-9499-a33de423e950) or the internal service identifier in the format service:<service identifier> (Example: service:60e7c1eb-3264-4ff2-b358-22c3fb5a39ce).


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "isManaged": true


HTTP/1.1 201
concur-correlationid: 5512c7be-3fab-4d65-ae69-8a74a04a0c7b
content-length: 269
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:00:42 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
Managed list by appId
    "id": "d43127b3-6bd2-45f8-9615-1d3dcdfbffc7",
    "value": "Custom Managed List",
    "levelCount": 1,
    "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
    "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
    "category": {
        "id": "e45e20ce-2974-46b0-a920-e3301febf268",
        "type": "Normal"
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "managedBy": "appId:898e830b-254a-4167-9499-a33de423e950"
Managed list by internal service identifier
    "id": "d43127b3-6bd2-45f8-9615-1d3dcdfbffc7",
    "value": "Custom Managed List",
    "levelCount": 1,
    "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
    "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
    "category": {
        "id": "e45e20ce-2974-46b0-a920-e3301febf268",
        "type": "Normal"
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "managedBy": "service:60e7c1eb-3264-4ff2-b358-22c3fb5a39ce"

Update Managed List to Not be Managed

To update a managed list to no longer be managed, call the Update List API setting the isManaged field to false. The API will extract the application ID from the Authorization JWT token and validate that it matches the managing application ID.

The API response will include the managedBy field set to null. After this successful API call, the list is no longer managed, the UI modifications will be permitted, the list import will be permitted, and updates via API calls by all application IDs will be permitted.


Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "isManaged": false


HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: e3a4d4cf-e1b2-4f22-a95c-b5bb8a2cb0eb
content-length: 275
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:24:16 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "id": "d43127b3-6bd2-45f8-9615-1d3dcdfbffc7",
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "e45e20ce-2974-46b0-a920-e3301febf268",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": null

Update List to be Managed

To update an existing list to be managed, call the Update List API setting the isManaged field to true. The API will extract the application ID from the Authorization JWT token.

The API response will include the managedBy field populated with either the application ID from the request Authorization JWT token in the format appId:<uuid app id> (Example: appId:898e830b-254a-4167-9499-a33de423e950) or the internal service identifier in the format service:<service identifier> (Example: service:60e7c1eb-3264-4ff2-b358-22c3fb5a39ce).

After this successful API call, this application ID or service identifier will be the only application ID permitted to perform modifications to this list.


Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "isManaged": true


HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: e3a4d4cf-e1b2-4f22-a95c-b5bb8a2cb0eb
content-length: 275
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 03:24:16 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
Managed list by appId
  "id": "d43127b3-6bd2-45f8-9615-1d3dcdfbffc7",
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "e45e20ce-2974-46b0-a920-e3301febf268",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": "appId:898e830b-254a-4167-9499-a33de423e950"
Managed list by internal service identifier
  "id": "d43127b3-6bd2-45f8-9615-1d3dcdfbffc7",
  "value": "Custom Managed List",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "e45e20ce-2974-46b0-a920-e3301febf268",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": "service:60e7c1eb-3264-4ff2-b358-22c3fb5a39ce"

Update Managed List

When updating a managed list and not changing the managed state, do not include the isManaged flag in the payload. For example, to only change the name of a managed list, see the example below where only the updated list name is included in the request payload. The managedBy value in the response payload does not change.

  "value": "New Managed List Updated"
Managed list by appId
  "id": "9705ce8e-7957-3f4e-a6cf-19ef2b437099",
  "value": "New Managed List Updated",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "4bdcc9da-9c9d-fe47-a39f-cb1e82380d54",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": "appId:c2dd1948-bc84-4449-920d-3ff92c69d9af"
Managed list by internal service identifier
  "id": "9705ce8e-7957-3f4e-a6cf-19ef2b437099",
  "value": "New Managed List Updated",
  "levelCount": 1,
  "searchCriteria": "TEXT",
  "displayFormat": "(CODE) TEXT",
  "category": {
    "id": "4bdcc9da-9c9d-fe47-a39f-cb1e82380d54",
    "type": "Normal"
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "managedBy": "service:60e7c1eb-3264-4ff2-b358-22c3fb5a39ce"

Modification API Calls on a Managed List

Operations to modify a managed list will validate the Authorization JWT application ID. The API requests that include the managing application ID in the Authorization JWT will be permitted and execute.

Those operations include:

Validation Error for Modifying a Managed List

In the case that the API requests are made to modify a managed list and the Authorization includes an application ID that is not the managing application ID, the following error response will be returned:

  "timestamp": "2023-05-02T16:18:47.340+00:00",
  "httpStatus": "400 - Bad Request",
  "error": {
    "id": "",
    "message": "Modify operation not permitted on this managed list"
  "path": "/list/v4/lists/9705ce8e-7957-3f4e-a6cf-19ef2b437099"

On this page