Purchase Orders v3

The Purchase Orders API gives SAP Concur clients the ability to leverage external data to create and update approved purchase orders. Clients can build a direct connection to the Purchase Orders API which will create purchase orders for invoices to be associated to. It also allows clients to update created purchase orders when orders change, need to be closed, or identify and resolve matching exceptions on PO invoices.


This API is not available in the China Data center. This API is only available for direct integrations with an existing SAP Concur client. This API can only be used to create new purchase requests and get the details of the created purchase request. This API cannot update, edit, or delete purchase requests. All edits or processing of the purchase request after it is sent to SAP Concur and created must be done in SAP Concur. Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Products and Editions

  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Required Scopes:

Name Description Endpoint
INVPO Create, update, and retrieve purchase orders. POST, PUT, GET


SAP Concur clients must purchase Concur Invoice, Concur Purchase Order, and Concur Web Services in order to use this API. Concur Invoice with Concur Purchase Order must be configured before using this API.

To create purchase orders, you need to supply a Vendor Code and Vendor Address Code. You can access Vendor Manager in Concur Invoice to see these values. If you need to get this data from SAP Concur using web services, you can use the Vendor v3 API.

If your purchase order form in SAP Concur has required custom fields that are tied to lists, you will need to supply the Item Code for the list items. You can access List Management in SAP Concur to see your list items and list item codes. If you need to get this data from SAP Concur using web services, you can use the List Item v3 API to retrieve the Level1Code value for the list items.

Access Token Usage

This API will work with both company or user access tokens. A company access token is required if the integration will create purchase orders for multiple requestors. Using a user access token to create purchase order results in the purchase order being assigned to the user that generated the user access token, not the user set in the payload. A user access token can be used for testing purposes.

Create a New Purchase Order

POST /api/v3.0/invoice/purchaseorders

Create or update a Purchase Order. Batch processing is not available using the Purchase Order API. Please use Import Jobs for batch updates.



  "BillToAddress": {
    "Address1": "add1",
    "Address2": "add2",
    "Address3": "add3",
    "City": "city",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "ExternalID": "billtoapi",
    "Name": "billto",
    "PostalCode": "55426",
    "StateProvince": "MN"
  "CurrencyCode": "USD",
  "ID": "API101",
  "IsTest": "N",
  "IsChangeOrder": "false",
  "LedgerCode": "23",
  "LineItem": [
      "Allocation": [
          "Amount": "106.74",
      "CreateDate": "2019-12-13 20:00:37.0",
      "Description": "line 1",
      "ExpenseType": "Advertising",
      "ExternalID": "API100line1",
      "IsReceiptRequired": "true",
      "LineNumber": "1",
      "PurchaseOrderReceiptType": "WQTY",
      "Quantity": "1.00",
      "UnitPrice": "106.74"
  "Name": "poName",
  "PolicyExternalID": "PO",
  "PurchaseOrderNumber": "API101",
  "PurchaseRequestNumber": "100001",
  "RequestedBy": "Deo, John",
  "Shipping": "0.00000000",
  "ShipToAddress": {
    "Address1": "add1",
    "Address2": "add2",
    "Address3": "add3",    
    "City": "cityship",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "ExternalID": "Shiptoapi",
    "Name": "shiptoapi",
    "PostalCode": "55426",
    "StateProvince": "MN"
  "Status": "Transmitted",
  "Tax": "0.00000000",
  "URI": "http://www.concursolutions.com/api/v3.0/invoice/purchaseorders/purchaseorders/API101",
  "VendorCode": "VEN1",
  "VendorAddressCode": "VEN1ADDR1"


Update Purchase Order Line Item With Receipt Information

PUT /api/v3.0/invoice/purchaseorderreceipts



Update an Existing Purchase Order

PUT /api/v3.0/invoice/purchaseorders



Get an Existing Purchase Order

GET /api/v3.0/invoice/purchaseorders/{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string {id} The identifier for the purchase order.






Name Type Format Description
AmountWithoutVat string - The net amount of the purchase order (excluding VAT).
BillToAddress object BillToAddress Required The customer’s billing address, which is where the vendor should send the bill.
CurrencyCode string - Required The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of the currency that is associated with the purchase order.
Custom1 through Custom24 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field that is part of the purchase order header form.
Description string - A description of the purchase order.
DiscountPercentage string - The discount from the vendor, if the discount terms are met.
DiscountTerms string - The net discount terms that the vendor offers, when discounts apply.
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
IsTest string Y/N If the purchase order is a test.
IsChangeOrder string Y/N If the purchase order has a change order or not.
LedgerCode string - A code which indicates which company journal the Purchase Order is assigned to.
LineItem array LineItem Required The line items in a purchase order.
Name string - Required A name for the purchase order.
NeededByDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date by which the purchase order must be fulfilled.
OrderDate string YYYY-MM-DD Required The date when goods were ordered.
PaymentTerms string - The net payment terms that have been set up with a vendor.
PolicyExternalID string - Required The external identifier of the policy that should be associated with the purchase order. The external Id is a property of the policy configuration screen. Clients will need to get these ID’s from the Implementation team if using professional version. For STD version:Default PO Policy - ‘PO’, If Country Packs Activated, Please use below respective Country packs Policy only. US - ‘USPO’, UK- ‘GBPO’, Japan - ‘JPPO’, Canada - ‘ CAPO’, Australia or New Zealand- ‘AUPO’. In case of Group Policy, Clients will need to get these IDs from the Implementation team. Note: IF any 1 country pack activated also, respective PO Policy to be used instead of Default PO Policy.
PoVendorTaxId string - The vendor tax ID.
ProvincialTaxId string - The vendor provincial tax ID.
PurchaseOrderNumber string - The purchase order number.
PurchaseRequestNumber string - The related purchase request number that generated the purchase order.
ReceiptType string - The purchase order receipt type (Deprecated). Use the PurchaseOrderReceiptType at line item level instead.
RequestedBy string - The person who requests the goods in the purchase order.
RequestedDeliveryDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the purchase order instructed the vendor to deliver the goods.
Shipping string - The total shipping cost for the purchase order.
ShippingDescription string - A description of how the goods in the purchase order will ship. For example, via FedEx.
ShippingMethodKey string - A code that represents the shipping method used by the vendor. Maximum length: 10 characters
ShippingTermsKey string - A code that represents the shipping terms that the vendor offers. Maximum length: 10 characters
ShipToAddress object ShipToAddress Required The customer’s shipping address, which is where the vendor should ship the goods.
Status string - The current status of the purchase order. Default: Transmitted. Supported values: Closed, Transmitted
Tax string - The total tax for the purchase order.
URI string - The URI to the resource.
VatAmountOne string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.
VatAmountTwo string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.
VatRateOne string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.
VatRateTwo string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.
VendorAccountNumber string - The vendor account number.
VendorAddressCode string - Required The code that identifies the vendor’s remit address for the purchase order.
VendorCode string - Required The code that identifies the vendor for the purchase order.


Name Type Format Description
Address1 string - Required Address line 1 of the billing address.
Address2 string - Address line 2 of the billing address.
Address3 string - Address line 3 of the billing address.
City string - Required The city of the billing address.
CountryCode string - Required The code of the country for the billing address.
ExternalID string - Required A unique value supplied by the customer to identify a particular billing address.
Name string - An optional name that can be given to the billing address.
PostalCode string - Required The postal code of the billing address.
StateProvince string - Required The state or province of the billing address.


Name Type Format Description
AccountCode string - The account code of the line item. A value must be supplied for either ExpenseType or AccountCode, but not both. This field is required if an ExpenseType value is not supplied.
Allocation array Allocation A list of the allocations that are associated with the line item. Allocation elements can be repeated within the same line items to represent multiple allocations.
AmountWithoutVat string - The net amount of the line item (excluding VAT).
CreateDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the line item was created.
Custom1 through Custom20 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 1 that is part of the purchase order line item form.
Description string - A description of the line item.
ExpenseType string - The expense type of the line item. A value must be supplied for either ExpenseType or AccountCode, but not both. This field is required if an AccountCode value is not supplied.
ExternalID string - Required A customer-supplied value that uniquely identifies the line item within the purchase order.
IsReceiptRequired string true / false Indicates whether the line item requires a receipt.
LineNumber string - Required The line item number within the purchase order.
Quantity string - Required The quantity associated with the line item.
PurchaseOrderReceiptType string - Purchase order ReceiptType of the line item. If Goods receipts will be entered or imported against the resulting PO lines for three-way matching, use QUANTITY_RECEIPT. Default: NONE. Supported values: QUANTITY_RECEIPT, NONE
RequestedBy string - The person who requests the goods in the line item of the purchase order.
RequestedDeliveryDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the line item of the purchase order instructed the vendor to deliver the goods.
SupplierPartID string - Any number that might help to identify the line item. This could be a value such as the vendor’s part number or even the manufacturer number.
Tax string - Any tax that is associated with the line item.
UnitOfMeasureCode string - The unit of measure code of the line item.
UnitPrice string - Required The price of each item of the line item.
VatAmount string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.
VatRate string - This field has not been implemented by Purchase Request yet. Any data in this field will be ignored.


Name Type Format Description
Amount string - Required The total amount of the allocation.
Custom1 through Custom20 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 1 that is part of the allocation form.
GrossAmount string - Required The allocation gross amount.
Percentage string - Required The allocation percentage.


Name Type Format Description
Address1 string - Required Address line 1 of the shipping address.
Address2 string - Address line 2 of the shipping address.
Address3 string - Address line 3 of the shipping address.
City string - Required The city of the shipping address.
CountryCode string - Required The code of the country for the shipping address.
ExternalID string - Required A unique value supplied by the customer to identify a particular shipping address.
Name string - An optional name that can be given to the shipping address.
PostalCode string - Required The postal code of the shipping address.
StateProvince string - Required The state or province of the shipping address.

Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
ErrorCode string - A code that indicates why the purchase order was not processed successfully.
ErrorMessage string - A description of the error.
FieldCode string - A code that indicates which field caused an issue. This code typically appears only when a field is being validated against a field of a form type. Format: LEVEL CODE. The possible levels are: Header, ShipTo, BillTo, LineItem, Allocation.
LineItemExternalID string - The external ID of a line item that caused an error. If the error is related to an allocation, this field indicates the external ID of the line item that the allocation is associated with, and also indicates the allocation that caused of the error.
Message string -  
PurchaseOrderNumber string - The purchase order number.
Status string SUCCESS / FAILURE The result of processing the purchase order.

Receipt Schema

Name Type Format Description
IsReceived string - Required Indicates whether the line item was received.
LineItemExternalID string - Required A customer-supplied value that uniquely identifies the line item within the purchase order.
PurchaseOrderNumber string - Required The purchase order number.
ReceivedDate string YYYY-MM-DD The date the line item was received.
ReceivedQuantity string - The number of items that were received.

Error Codes

The web service will not return a 4xx HTTP response code for a batch operation even when every item in the batch failed to be created, updated or deleted. The client must inspect the response to look for warnings or errors with individual batch items.

Code Description
1000 The PO number is missing or invalid.
2000 There was no vendor found for the supplied Vendor Code and Vendor Address Code.
3000 The Currency Code is missing or invalid.
4000 There was no policy found matching the supplied External Id.
4001 The policy does not support purchase orders.
4002 The policy cannot be changed on the purchase order.
5000 The purchase order does not contain any line items.
5001 The line item must contain expense type or account code, but not both.
5002 The line item expense type is invalid.
5003 The line item account code is invalid.
5004 The line item tax and unit price must both match positive or negative.
5500 The line item contains an allocation, but no allocation form is defined.
5501 The line item allocation amounts exceed the line item total.
5502 The distribution amounts for a line item must match the line item amount positive or negative.
5503 The distribution amounts for a line item cannot be zero.
5600 The external id for the line item is not unique across the purchase order.
6000 The Ship To Address is missing or invalid.
6001 The Bill To Address is missing or invalid.
8000 A required field is missing.
8001 A field’s value exceeds the maximum length allowed.
8002 A field’s value is not the correct data type.
8003 A field’s value is an invalid list item.
8004 A field’s value is an invalid connected list item.
8005 The Country Code is missing or invalid.
8006 A value was supplied for a field that is not part of the form.
9999 An unexpected error occurred.

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