Vendor v3.1

The Vendor API allows you to develop processes that can be used to manage your Vendor collection for invoicing, adding new Vendors, updating, getting, or deleting information for existing Vendors.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API.

Products and Editions

  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint
INVVEN Retrieves vendor information. GET


SAP Concur clients must purchase Concur Invoice in order to use this API.

Access Token Usage

This API supports both company level and user level access tokens.

Retrieve an Existing Vendor

Note: If authenticating with a Company access token the API will return all vendors associated with a specific entity.

GET /api/v3.1/invoice/vendors


Name Type Format Description
limit Int32 query The maximum number of items to be returned in a response. The default is 25 and cannot exceed 1000.
offset string query Specifies the starting point for the next query when iterating through the collection response. Use with paged collections of resources.
sortDirection string query Ascending or descending, The default value will be ascending.
sortBy string query Field you need the results to be sorted by. Vendor Name will be made default if no value is sent. Only fields that are added to the vendor form can be used here. Fields have to be specified by name as specified in Doc.
searchType string query Applies for the entire given search parameters. The default value is exact. Supported values: exact, begins, contains, ends
vendorCode string query Vendor Code to be searched.
vendorName string query Vendor Name to be searched.
taxID string query Tax ID to be searched.
buyerAccountNumber string query Buyer Account Number to be searched.
paymentMethodType string query Payment Method Type - valid values are ACH, CARD, CHECK, CLIENT, PAYPVD, VCHER, WIRE
addressCode string query Address Code to be searched.
address1 string query Address 1 to be searched.
address2 string query Address 2 to be searched.
address3 string query Address 3 to be searched.
city string query City to be searched.
state string query State to be searched.
postalCode string query Postal Code to be searched.
approved string query Find Approved/Unapproved Vendors, True/False
country string query Country to be searched.
custom1 string query Custom 1 to be searched.
custom2 string query Custom 2 to be searched.
custom3 string query Custom 3 to be searched.
custom4 string query Custom 4 to be searched.
custom5 string query Custom 5 to be searched.
custom6 string query Custom 6 to be searched.
custom7 string query Custom 7 to be searched.
custom8 string query Custom 8 to be searched.
custom9 string query Custom 9 to be searched.
custom10 string query Custom 10 to be searched.
custom11 string query Custom 11 to be searched.
custom12 string query Custom 12 to be searched.
custom13 string query Custom 13 to be searched.
custom14 string query Custom 14 to be searched.
custom15 string query Custom 15 to be searched.
custom16 string query Custom 16 to be searched.
custom17 string query Custom 17 to be searched.
custom18 string query Custom 18 to be searched.
custom19 string query Custom 19 to be searched.
custom20 string query Custom 20 to be searched.




Vendors Schema

Create Vendors

POST  /api/v3.1/invoice/vendors
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will create the requested Vendors.


Name Type Format Description
vendors - body The vendor details.


Vendors Schema


Vendors Schema

Update Existing Vendors

PUT  /api/v3.1/invoice/vendors
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will update the requested Vendors.


Name Type Format Description
vendors - body The vendor details.


Vendors Schema


Vendors Schema

Delete Vendor

DELETE  /api/v3.1/invoice/vendors
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will delete the requested Vendor.


Name Type Format Description
vendorCode string query Required Vendor Code to be deleted.
addressCode string query Required Address Code to be deleted.




Vendors Schema

Add/Update Vendor Banking

PUT /api/v3.1/invoice/vendor/banks
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will create / update the requested Vendor Banking info.


Name Type Format Description
vendorBanks - body The vendor banking info.


Vendor Bank Schema


Vendor Bank Schema

Add Vendor Group

PUT /api/v3.1/invoice/vendor/groups
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will create the requested Vendor groups.


Name Type Format Description
vendorCode string query Required The vendor code of the vendor to update.
addressCode string query Required The address code of the vendor to update.
vendorGroups - body The vendor group details.


Vendor Group Schema


Vendor Group Schema

Delete Vendor Group

DELETE /api/v3.1/invoice/vendor/groups
Note: If authenticating with a Company access token, the API will delete the requested Vendor group.


Name Type Format Description
vendorCode string query Required The vendor code of the vendor to update.
addressCode string query Required The address code of the vendor to update.
groupName string query Required The group name to be deleted.




Vendor Group Schema



Name Type Format Description
Items array Vendor The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.
RequestRunSummary string - -
TotalCount Int - -
Vendor array Vendor Required Vendor


Name Type Format Description
AccountNumber string - The Buyer Account Number.
Address1 string - The Vendor Address 1.
Address2 string - The Vendor Address 2.
Address3 string - The Vendor Address 3.
AddressCode string - Required The Address Code.
AddressImportSyncID string - This ID is originally generated by Invoice when an employee requests a new vendor. The Employee Request Vendor Extract provides this value to positively identify the vendor address record when reimporting vendor from the client’s system of record for the Vendor Master List.
Approved string - Vendor Approval Status.
City string - The Vendor City.
ContactEmail string - The Vendor Contact Email.
ContactFirstName string - The Vendor Contact First Name.
ContactLastName string - The Vendor Contact Last Name.
ContactPhoneNumber string - The Vendor Contact Phone Number.
Country string - The Vendor Country.
CountryCode string - Required The Vendor Country Code.
CurrencyCode string - Required The Vendor Currency Code.
Custom1 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 1 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom2 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 2 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom3 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 3 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom4 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 4 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom5 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 5 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom6 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 6 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom7 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 7 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom8 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 8 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom9 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 9 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom10 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 10 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom11 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 11 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom12 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 12 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom13 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 13 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom14 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 14 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom15 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 15 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom16 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 16 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom17 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 17 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom18 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 18 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom19 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 19 that is part of the vendor form.
Custom20 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 20 that is part of the vendor form.
DefaultEmployeeID string - The Default Employee ID of the employee connected to the vendor.
DefaultExpenseTypeName string - The Default Expense Type tied to the vendor.
DiscountPercentage string - The Discount Percentage.
DiscountTermsDays string - The Vendor Discount Terms Days.
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
IsLineItemVatIncld string - Line item Unit Price Contains VAT ,
IsVisibleForContentExtraction string - Flag that indicates if the vendor will be available for OCR within Brainware.
PaymentMethodType string - Preferred Payment Type for Vendor.
PaymentTerms Integer between 1 and 999 - The Vendor Payment Terms. This field represents the number of days by which a payment must be made, for example, 30 days.
PostalCode string - The Vendor Postal Code / Zip.
ProvincialTaxID string - The Vendor Provincial Tax ID. Note that this value is not encrypted at REST.
PurchaseOrderContactEmail string - The Purchase Order Contact Email.
PurchaseOrderContactFirstName string - The Purchase Order Contact First Name.
PurchaseOrderContactLastName string - The Purchase Order Contact Last Name.
PurchaseOrderContactPhoneNumber string - The Purchase Order Contact Phone Number.
ShippingMethod string - The Vendor Shipping Method.
ShippingTerms string - The Vendor Shipping Terms.
State string - The Vendor State. The State fields are now required if the selected vendor is in a country that by definition requires the state or region to be populated due to the SAP Export Control and Sanctions Compliance Policy. If a country is not completely embargoed the State field will be required, and the field value validated against the embargoed states. If the selected vendor is from a non-embargoed country, then the State field is not mandatory.
StatusList array Status Required Status results
TaxID string - The Vendor Tax ID. Note that this value is not encrypted at REST.
TaxType string - The Vendor Tax Type.
URI string - The URI to the resource.
VendorBankList array VendorBank The list of a vendor’s active banking information. Read-Only
VendorCode string - Required The vendor code of the request.
VendorFormName string - The vendor form name this vendor is associated with.
VendorGroupList array - The list of vendor groups by name. Read-Only
VendorName string - The name of the vendor.
VoucherNotes string - Notes sent to Vendor along with authorization to charge Card Voucher.

Vendor Banking Input/Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
Items array VendorBank The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.
RequestRunSummary string - -
TotalCount Int - -
VendorBank array VendorBank Required Vendor Banking Info.


Name Type Format Description
AccountNumber string - Required The account number.
AccountType enum - Required The account type–CHCK for Checking, SAVE for Savings.
AddressCode string - Required The Address Code.
BankCode string - Bank Code.
BankName string - The bank name.
BranchCode string - Branch Code.
BranchLocation string - The branch location.
CountryCode string - The country code.
CurrencyAlphaCode string - The currency alpha Code.
ID string - The unique identifier of this resource.
IsActive string - Required Is information active
NameOnAccount string - Required The name on the account.
RoutingNumber string - The routing number.
StatusList array status Status results.
TransType string - The trans type.
URI string - The URI to the resource.
VendorCode string - Required The vendor code of the request.

Vendor Group Input/Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
Items array VendorGroup The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.
RequestRunSummary string - -
TotalCount Int - -
VendorGroup array VendorGroup Required Vendor Group List.


Name Type Format Description
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
Name string - Required The vendor group name.
StatusList array status Status results.
URI string - The URI to the resource.


Name Type Format Description
Code int - Code of request result.
Message string - Message of request result.
RecordNumber int - Record Number for create/update request.
Type string - Type request result.

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