Expense Entry Itemization v1.1

This API has been deprecated.

Deprecation Date: 05/19/2016

Unsupported Date: 11/19/2016

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Expense Entry Itemizations are children of an expense entry that subdivide the expense. A common use case for itemizations is on a hotel bill, which can have separate itemizations for room rate, room tax, and services such as laundry or minibar.


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POST Expense Entry Itemization

Creates or updates an itemization record for the specified expense entry.

NOTE: Posting expense report information is a multi-stage process. Refer to the Processes section of the Expense Report Web Service page for the steps required to post new expense reports and entries.


Request parameters


Parameter Required/Optional Description
{_reportId_} Required The unique identifier for the expense report.
{_entryId_}/Itemization Required The unique identifier for the expense entry and the Itemization keyword.
{_itemizationID_} Optional The unique identifier for the itemization.



URI Sources

  • The reportId value is returned by the Get List of Reports function, and as part of the Report-Details-Url element of the Post Expense Report Header function.
  • The entryId value is returned in the RpeKey element of the Get Report Details function.
  • The itemizationId is returned as part of the Itemization-Url value returned by this function.


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


  • Authorization header with OAuth token for valid Concur user. Required.

The OAuth Consumer must have one of the following roles to post itemizations for expenses in reports that they do not own: Web Services Admin for Professional, or Can Administer for Standard.

Content-Type header



This request contains an ExpenseItemizations parent element with an Itemization parent element for each included itemization. The Itemization parent element has the following child elements.

Itemization elements
Element Required (must contain value)? Description
ExpKey Y The expense type key for the expense. Expense Type Keys are returned in the ExpKey element by the Get Expense Group Configuration endpoint. The expense type key cannot be modified when updating expense entries.
Description Depends on configuration The description for the expense.
TransactionAmount Y The total amount of the itemization in the original currency, with up to three decimal places. Example: 123.654
PostedAmount Depends on configuration The amount of the itemization in the user’s reimbursement currency, with up to three decimal places. Example: 123.654. May vary from transaction amount if some of the expense is marked personal or if it has been converted to another currency. See Notes for more information.
Custom1 through Custom20 Depends on configuration The Expense Entry Form custom fields. Itemizations are child entries to the expense entry, and they share the custom fields. May be required depending on configuration. Refer to the Processes, Post Expense Report Data section of Expense Report for the steps necessary to gather required field information.
NOTE: If any of the custom fields are configured to contain list values, please refer to the Posting Custom List Items page for information on how to correctly submit list item values.
IsPersonal N Whether the expense entry is a personal expense. Personal expenses are not reimbursed in Concur Expense. Personal expenses cannot be itemized. Format: N
Comment Depends on configuration The itemization comment.


  • The update request must include the ExpKey and TransactionAmount fields. All other fields only need to be included if they were updated.
  • Update requests cannot change the ExpKey for an existing entry.
  • When handling foreign currency transactions, the CrnCode and TransactionAmount values should indicate the original transaction amount and currency. The PostedAmount value should contain the transaction amount converted into the posting currency (the user’s reimbursement currency). Concur will calculate the exchange rate for the expense based on these two fields.



This request will return an ItemizationStatusList parent element with an ItemizationStatus child element for each posted itemization. The ItemizationStatus element will contain the following child elements.

ItemizationStatus elements

Element Description
Index The entry’s sequence in the request.
Status The status of the request. Possible values are:
200: The itemization was successfully saved.
400: The Request includes an error such as a syntax error or missing required element.
404: The Itemization URI is in the correct syntax, but the system can’t find the itemization. It may have been deleted from the system.
500: The request has the correct syntax and refers to an existing itemization, but the system was unable to save due to a system conflict.
Itemization-Url The URI to get the itemization details.


XML example request

POST https://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/v1.1/report/nxxKgLlnROz$sQ6SKJFjLNs4OWBErcJ8yX/entry/nE0avYnILNNi9qkVyS3lYPuv4Mop4QmVs/Itemization HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}
Content-Type: application/xml
<ExpenseItemizations xmlns="http://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/2011/03">
    <Custom2>Room Service</Custom2>
    <Custom5>Too late for restaurant</Custom5>

XML example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
<ItemizationStatusList xmlns="http://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/2011/03" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

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