Travel Allowance Configuration (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns a summary of all configuration data relevant to display travel allowance itinerary data properly based on the itinerary’s configuration code. This includes settings which fields are enabled and UI texts for all field labels and code values. If translations are available the endpoint returns these texts in the language provided in the request header. If no translation is available the original text maintained by the administrator is returned.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
configurationCode string - The code of the travel allowance configuration.
pageId string - The ID of a page in case pagination is required to get all results.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc
Accept-Language: en-US


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "content": [
      "configurationCode": "GERMANY_1",
      "configurationCodeDescription": "German TA",
      "governmentRateBundleCountryCode": "DE",
      "itineraryHeader": {
        "askForOvernightInCaseOfTwoDayTrip": true,
        "typeCodes": {
          "overlapTypes": {
            "label": "Reason for Overlapping Trip",
            "default": "TRIP_HOME",
            "deactivated": false,
            "values": [
                "description": "Trip Home",
                "overlapTypeCode": "TRIP_HOME"
          "tripTypes": {
            "label": "Customer Visit",
            "default": "CUSTOMER_FACING",
            "deactivated": false,
            "values": [
                "description": "Customer Facing Trip",
                "tripTypeCode": "CUSTOMER_FACING"
      "itinerarySegment": {
        "borderCrossing": "REQUIRED_DEFAULTED_ON_ARRIVAL",
        "addressFields": [
      "itineraryDayProperties": {
        "TypeCodes": {
          "deductionCategoryTypes": [
              "categoryType": "LUNCH",
              "deactivatedOn": "FIRST_DAY",
              "deductionTypes": [
                  "deductionTypeCode": "PROVIDED",
                  "description": "Provided"
              "description": "Lunch",
              "header": "Lunch Provided"
          "lodgingTypes": {
            "header": "Overnight",
            "deactivatedOn": "FIRST_DAY",
            "values": [
                "description": "Private Accomodation",
                "lodgingTypeCode": "PRIVATE"
          "mealTypes": {
            "header": "Meal Location",
            "deactivatedOn": "FIRST_DAY",
            "values": [
                "description": "Canteen",
                "mealTypeCode": "CANTEEN"
      "ItineraryCalculationResults": {
        "rateTypes": {
          "values": [
              "description": "Meals",
              "rateCategory": "MEAL",
              "rateTypeCode": "MEALS"
        "combinedRateCategories": "NONE",
        "lodgingCalculationType": "DAILY_ALLOWANCE",
        "mealCalculationType": "DAILY_ALLOWANCE",
        "incidentalCalculationType": "DAILY_ALLOWANCE",
        "overLimitDistributionMethod": "NONE"
  "links": [
      "rel": "next",
      "href": ""


Configuration Summary

Name Type Format Description
content array ConfigurationSummary An array of ConfigurationSummary items.
links array Link Array of actions available for this list of configuration summaries.

Configuration Summary Details

Name Type Format Description
configurationCode string - The code of the Travel ALlowance configuration.
configurationCodeDescription string - The description of the Travel Allowance configuration.
governmentRateBundleCountryCode string - The country code of the configuration’s government rate bundle.
itineraryHeader object Itinerary Header Settings The configuration relevant for the itinerary header.
itinerarySegment object Itinerary Segment Settings The configuration relevant for itinerary segments.
itineraryDayProperties object Itinerary Day Property Settings The configuration relevant for itinerary day properties.
ItineraryCalculationResults object Itinerary Calculation Result Settings The configuration relevant for the itinerary calculation results.

Itinerary Header Settings

Name Type Format Description
askForOvernightInCaseOfTwoDayTrip boolean true / false Indicates whether to display field hasNoLodging in case of two day itineraries.
typeCodes object Itinerary Header Type Codes The type codes associated with the itinerary header.

Itinerary Header Type Codes

Name Type Format Description
overlapTypes object Overlap Types The list of available overlap types and field related settings.
tripTypes object Trip Types The list of available trip types and field related settings.

Overlap Types

Name Type Format Description
label string - An alternative label for the overlap type field.
default string - Default overlap type.
deactivated boolean true / false Indicates whether the overlap type field is deactivated.
values array Overlap Type The list of available overlap types.

Overlap Type

Name Type Format Description
description string - Description of the overlap type.
overlapTypeCode string - Code representing the overlap type.

Trip Types

Name Type Format Description
label string - An alternative label for the trip type field.
default string - Default trip type.
deactivated boolean true / false Indicates whether the trip type field is deactivated.
values array Trip Type The list of available trip types.

Trip Type

Name Type Format Description
description string - Description of the trip type.
tripTypeCode string - Code representing the trip type.

Itinerary Segment Settings

Name Type Format Description
borderCrossing enum - Setting whether border crossing date and time fields are required and the recommended defaulting of those fields. Supported values: NOT_REQUIRED, REQUIRED_DEFAULTED_ON_ARRIVAL, REQUIRED_DEFAULTED_ON_DEPARTURE, REQUIRED_DEFAULTED_ON_DEPARTURE_LAST_LEG_ON_ARRIVAL
addressFields array - The list of the address fields enabled. Supported values: STREET_AND_HOUSE_NUMBER, CITY, POSTAL_CODE, COMMUNITY_CODE

Itinerary Day Property Settings

Name Type Format Description
TypeCodes object Itinerary Day Property Type Codes The type codes associated with the itinerary day properties.

Itinerary Day Property Type Codes

Name Type Format Description
deductionCategoryTypes array Deduction Category Type The list of available deduction category types.
lodgingTypes object Lodging Types The list of available lodging types and field related settings.
mealTypes object Meal Types The list of available meal types and field related settings.

Deduction Category Type

Name Type Format Description
categoryType string - Code representing the deduction category type.
deactivatedOn enum - Indicates whether the deduction category type is deactivated for certain days of an itinerary, e.g. first and last day or intervening days (meaning all days except the first and last one). Supported values: NEVER, FIRST_DAY, LAST_DAY, FIRST_AND_LAST_DAY, INTERVENING_DAYS, ALL_DAYS
deductionTypes array Deduction Type The list of available deduction types for the deduction category type.
description string - Description of the deduction category type.
header string - Alternative header UI text for the deduction category type.

Deduction Type

Name Type Format Description
deductionTypeCode string - Code representing the deduction type.
description string - Description of the deduction type.

Lodging Types

Name Type Format Description
header string - Alternative header UI text for a lodging type.
deactivatedOn enum - Indicates whether lodging types are deactivated for certain days of an itinerary, e.g. FIRST_AND_LAST_DAY or INTERVENING_DAYS (meaning all days except the first and last one). Supported values: NEVER, FIRST_DAY, LAST_DAY, FIRST_AND_LAST_DAY, INTERVENING_DAYS, ALL_DAYS
values array Lodging Type The list of available lodging types.

Lodging Type

Name Type Format Description
description string - Description of the lodging type.
lodgingTypeCode string - Code representing the lodging type.

Meal Types

Name Type Format Description
header string - Alternative header UI text for a meal type.
deactivatedOn enum - Indicates whether meal types are deactivated for certain days of an itinerary; e.g. FIRST_AND_LAST_DAY or INTERVENING_DAYS (meaning all days except the first and last one). Supported values: NEVER, FIRST_DAY, LAST_DAY, FIRST_AND_LAST_DAY, INTERVENING_DAYS, ALL_DAYS
values array Meal Type The list of available meal types.

Meal Type

Name Type Format Description
description string - Description of the meal type.
mealTypeCode string - Code representing the meal type.

Itinerary Calculation Result Settings

Name Type Format Description
rateTypes array Rate Type The list of available rate types.
combinedRateCategories enum - Define whether, in case actuals vs limits has been configured, limits should be combined for Meal, Incidental and Lodging, or Lodging is calculated separately. Supported values: NONE, MEAL_AND_INCIDENTAL, MEAL_AND_INCIDENTAL_AND_LODGING
lodgingCalculationType enum - Defines whether the system generates fixed DAILY_ALLOWANCE or whether actual allowances are reimbursed UP_TO_LIMIT or with OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING for lodging or whether lodging allowances are NOT_USED at all. Supported values: DAILY_ALLOWANCE, UP_TO_LIMIT, OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING, NOT_USED
mealCalculationType enum - Defines whether the system generates fixed DAILY_ALLOWANCE or whether actual allowances are reimbursed UP_TO_LIMIT or with OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING for meal or whether meal allowances are NOT_USED at all. Supported values: DAILY_ALLOWANCE, UP_TO_LIMIT, OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING, NOT_USED
incidentalCalculationType enum - Defines whether the system generates fixed DAILY_ALLOWANCE or whether actual allowances are reimbursed UP_TO_LIMIT or with OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING for incidental or whether incidental allowances are NOT_USED at all. Supported values: DAILY_ALLOWANCE, UP_TO_LIMIT, OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING, NOT_USED
overLimitDistributionMethod enum - Defines which method should be used to distribute the reduction of actual expenses which are over the limit in case UP_TO_LIMIT has been used in any of teh above settings. Supported values: NONE, PRORATE_OVER_ALL_EXPENSES, LODGING_FIRST

Rate Type

Name Type Format Description
rateCategory string - The rate category can be used to assign different rate types to one category. In the calculation results there are total amounts for each rate category. Supported values: MEAL, INCIDENTAL, LODGING.
rateTypeCode string - Code representing the rate type.
description string - The description of the rate type.
Name Type Format Description
href string [RFC 3986] The URL of the link.
rel string [RFC 5988] Relation type as defined by the server. There are registered relation types listed in RFC 5988 6.2.2. Initial Registry Contents including pagination relation type next.

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