List Item Bulk v4

The List Item Bulk API provides an automated solution to clients who would like to add, update, and delete list items (up to 250 list items can be modified per bulk request).


This API is only available to partners who have been granted access. Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API.

Prior Versions

  • List Items v1 documentation is available here.

Process Flow

A process flow diagram of the List Item Bulk API

Products and Editions

  • Concur Expense Professional Edition
  • Concur Expense Standard Edition
  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Standard Edition
  • Concur Request Professional Edition
  • Concur Request Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint
spend.listitem.write Read and write access to spend list items. POST, PATCH


Users must be a Concur Expense, Concur Invoice, Shared, or Concur Request Configuration Administrator in order to perform POST and PATCH actions.

Access Token Usage

This API supports both company level and user level access tokens.

Create List Items

Create list items for a specific list with the provided request body. Each API request contains up to 250 Bulk List Item Create Request Parts. Each Bulk List Item Create Request Part represents one item to be created.

The Bulk List Item Create Request Parts are executed in order. The caller will need to manage the ordering of the Bulk List Item Create Request Parts within the request to ensure dependencies are met, such as when creating list items in a connected list, make sure the ‘create parent list item’ comes before the ‘create child list item’ within the API request.

Each Bulk List Item Create Request Part executes individually so a single API request can have some request parts that execute successfully and some request parts that fail. See the Error Messages for the execution failure error messages.

List Item Code Naming Restrictions

Hyphens are not supported and should not be used in item names or item codes. When an item name or item code with a hyphen is created or saved, the hyphen might be interpreted as a delimiter (separator) which can have unpredictable results on the saved data including possible corruption of the item list.

List Item Codes Explanation

Refer to the List Items v4 documentation for the full List Item object.

Each list item has a shortCode which is the individual item’s code. Each list item has a code, also referred to as “long code”. The long code uniquely identifies an item in a list. The long code is constructed by concatenating the parent list item’s code (“long code”) and the current item’s shortCode with a hyphen delimiter. A first-level list item will have the same value for shortCode and code, because it has no parent item.

The result is a list item’s long code contains the shortCode values of all ancestors concatenated by hyphens.


First level list item:

"shortCode": "first"
"code": "first"

Second level list item (child of the first level list item):

"shortCode": "second"
"code": "first-second"
"parentCode": "first"

Third level list item (child of the second level list item):

"shortCode": "third"
"code": "first-second-third"
"parentCode": "first-second"

Fourth level list item (child of the third level list item):

"shortCode": "fourth"
"code": "first-second-third-fourth"
"parentCode": "first-second-third"


spend.listitem.write - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



POST /list/v4/lists/{listId}/bulk


Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: en
listId - Required The unique identifier of the list (SYNC_GUID).
itemCreateRequests - Required Array of list item objects to be created for the company.




Error Messages

API Error Response

The values for the id and message field of the Bulk List Item Error in the Bulk List Item Response:

Error Id Error Message
list.not.found List not found.
list.deleted The list is currently deleted.
item.duplicate.code This item code is already used by another item in the same list.
item.parent.not.found Parent listItem not found.
item.parent.deleted Parent listItem has been deleted. List ID does not match that of parent listItem.
item.max.level.exceeded Parent at max level. List items cannot be added to this parent.
item.duplicate.item.shared The list item already exists in another list with the same list category. This list item already exists in another linked list.
item.operation.timeout The operation has timed out.

Validation Error

The Error Message will be returned in the case of a request validation error. For example, if a request is sent with more than 250 request parts:

  "httpStatus":"400 - Bad Request",
    "message":"Please check your request parameter"
      "message":"size must be between 1 and 250"

Rate Limit Error

HTTP/1.1 429
retry-after: 0
concur-correlationid: 610425c5-4c2e-4bdb-ab5d-02775e23c7c9
content-length: 146
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:13:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "httpStatus":"429 - Too Many Requests",
    "message":"Too many requests"


Create Single First-level List Item with Successful Response Example

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "shortCode": "ITEM",
      "value": "ITEM"
HTTP/1.1 201
concur-correlationid: 610425c5-4c2e-4bdb-ab5d-02775e23c7c9
content-length: 71
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:13:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 1,
  "recordsFailed": 0,
  "errors": []

Create First-level list item and Children Items with Successful Response Example

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "shortCode": "FIRST_LEVEL_PARENT_ITEM",
      "value": "FIRST_LEVEL_PARENT_ITEM"
      "shortCode": "SECOND_LEVEL_CHILD_ITEM",
      "value": "SECOND_LEVEL_CHILD_ITEM",
      "parentCode": "PARENT_ITEM"
      "shortCode": "THIRD_LEVEL_CHILD_ITEM",
      "value": "THIRD_LEVEL_CHILD_ITEM",
HTTP/1.1 201
concur-correlationid: 6086f0a8-8aa3-479c-9bf7-ddf7449efa51
content-length: 227
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:15:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 3,
  "recordsFailed": 0,
  "errors": []

Create Child Item with Failure Response Example

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "shortCode": "CHILD_ITEM",
      "value": "CHILD_ITEM",
      "parentCode": "ITEM"
HTTP/1.1 400
concur-correlationid: 6086f0a8-8aa3-479c-9bf7-ddf7449efa51
content-length: 227
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:15:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "recordsSucceeded": 0,
  "recordsFailed": 1,
  "errors": [
      "id": "item.duplicate.code",
      "message": "This item code is already used by another item in the same list",
      "listItem": {
        "shortCode": "CHILD_ITEM",
        "value": "CHILD_ITEM",
        "parentCode": "ITEM"

Create Multiple Items with Partial Success Response Example

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "shortCode": "CHILD_ITEM_ONE",
      "value": "CHILD_ITEM_ONE",
      "parentCode": "ITEM"
      "shortCode": "CHILD_ITEM_B",
      "value": "CHILD_ITEM_B",
      "parentCode": "ITEM"
      "shortCode": "ITEM_THREE",
      "value": "ITEM_THREE"
HTTP/1.1 206
concur-correlationid: 97a8db78-9f87-427c-928a-c92c9ff2349a
content-length: 233
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:17:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 2,
  "recordsFailed": 1,
  "errors": [
      "id": "item.duplicate.code",
      "message": "This item code is already used by another item in the same list",
      "listItem": {
        "shortCode": "CHILD_ITEM_ONE",
        "value": "CHILD_ITEM_ONE",
        "parentCode": "ITEM"

Update List Items

Update and delete list items by long code for a specific list with provided request body. Each API request contains up to 250 Bulk List Item Update Request Parts. Each Bulk List Item Update Request Part represents one item to be updated or deleted.

The Bulk List Item Update Request Parts are executed in order. The caller will need to manage the ordering of the Bulk List Item Update Request Parts within the request to ensure dependencies are met.

Each Bulk List Item Update Request Part executes individually so a single API request can have some request parts that execute successfully and some request parts that fail. See the Error Messages for the execution failure error messages.

List Item Code Naming Restrictions

Hyphens are not supported and should not be used in item names or item codes. When an item name or item code with a hyphen is created or saved, the hyphen might be interpreted as a delimiter (separator) which can have unpredictable results on the saved data including possible corruption of the item list.

Delete List Item Behavior

In a connected list, when deleting a list item, all children of that list item are also deleted.


spend.listitem.write - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



PATCH /list/v4/lists/{listId}/bulk


Name Type Description
Accept-Language string Language code. Default: en
listId - Required The unique identifier of the list (SYNC_GUID).
itemUpdateRequests - Required Array of list item objects to be updated.




Error Messages

API Error Response

The values for the id and message field of the Bulk List Item Error in the Bulk List Item Response:

Error Id Error Message
item.not.found listItem not found. List ID does not match that of parent listItem.
list.not.found List not found.
item.deleted The list item has been deleted.
item.duplicate.code This item code is already used by another item in the same list.
item.duplicate.code.deleted This item code is already used by other item that’s been deleted.

Validation Error

The Error Message will be returned in the case of a request validation error. For example, if a request is sent with more than 250 request parts:

  "httpStatus":"400 - Bad Request",
    "message":"Please check your request parameter"
      "message":"size must be between 1 and 250"

Rate Limit Error

HTTP/1.1 429
retry-after: 0
concur-correlationid: 610425c5-4c2e-4bdb-ab5d-02775e23c7c9
content-length: 146
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 16:13:17 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "httpStatus":"429 - Too Many Requests",
    "message":"Too many requests"


Update Single First-level Item with Successful Response

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "code": "ITEM",
      "value": "ITEM UPDATED"
HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 46d1b015-635e-4bca-be76-2ed39c122065
content-length: 289
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 17:11:35 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 1,
  "recordsFailed": 0,
  "errors": []

Delete Single First-level Item with Successful Response

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "code": "ITEM",
      "deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 46d1b015-635e-4bca-be76-2ed39c122065
content-length: 289
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 17:11:35 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 1,
  "recordsFailed": 0,
  "errors": []

Update Multiple Items with Partial Success Response

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "code": "ITEM",
      "value": "ITEM"
      "code": "ITEM_TWO",
      "deleted": true
      "code": "ITEM_THREE",
      "value": "ITEM_THREE UPDATED"
HTTP/1.1 206
concur-correlationid: 6774cd63-67aa-4be3-bd1d-519753d126b0
content-length: 165
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 17:14:35 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 2,
  "recordsFailed": 1,
  "errors": [
      "id": "item.deleted",
      "message": "The list item has been deleted",
      "listItem": {
        "code": "ITEM",
        "value": "ITEM"

Update Items in different levels

Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "requests": [
      "code": "FIRST_LEVEL",
      "value": "firstLevelItem"
      "value": "secondLevelItem"
      "deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
concur-correlationid: 6774cd63-67aa-4be3-bd1d-519753d126b0
content-length: 165
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Fri,26 Aug 2022 17:14:35 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, private
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "recordsSucceeded": 3,
  "recordsFailed": 0,
  "errors": []


Bulk List Item Create Request

Name Type Format Description
requests array BulkListItemCreateRequestPart Required The requests in the bulk list item create request.

Bulk List Item Create Request Part

Name Type Format Description
shortCode string - Required List item short code. See List Item Codes for further details.
value string - Required List item value.
parentCode string - The long code of parent list item. See List Item Codes for further details.

Bulk List Item Update Request

Name Type Format Description
requests array BulkListItemUpdateRequestPart Required The requests in the bulk list item update request.

Bulk List Item Update Request Part

Name Type Format Description
code string - Required List item long code. See List Item Codes for further details.
value string - List item value.
deleted boolean - List item deleted status.

Bulk List Item Response

Name Type Format Description
status string - Response status. ( Enum:SUCCESS, PARTIAL_SUCCESS, FAILURE)
recordsSucceeded int - Number of list items successfully created for the list.
recordsFailed int - Number of list items failed to be created for the list.
errors array BulkListItemError List of error codes and list items failed to be created/updated.

Bulk List Item Error

Name Type Format Description
id string - The identifier of the error.
message string - The detailed error message.
listItem BulkListItemCreateRequestPart or BulkListItemUpdateRequestPart - List item corresponding to the error.

Bulk List Item Request

Name Type Format Description
BulkListItemCreateRequest or BulkListItemUpdateRequest - - List item corresponding to the error.

Error Message

Name Type Format Description
error Message - Required The detailed error message.
httpStatus string - Required The http response code and phrase for the response.
path string - Required The URI of the attempted request.
timestamp string date-time Required The time when the error was captured.
validationErrors array ValidationError The validation error messages.

Validation Error

Name Type Format Description
message string - The detailed message of the validation error.
source string - The type of validation which failed.


Name Type Format Description
message string - The detailed error message.
id string - The identifier of the error.

Migration from List Import

For callers who are migrating from using a flat file list import, be aware of the following differences:

Transactional vs Incremental Update: The list import is a transactional update (all or nothing process) but List Item Bulk API is incremental. For example, when executing a list import file with 10 list items, if 1 list item modification fails, then the entire transaction is rolled back and all 10 list items remain unchanged. When sending a List Item Bulk API request with 10 list items, if 1 list item modification fails, the 9 list item modifications that were successful are updated, and only the 1 list item modification that failed remains unchanged.

Modifications permitted in single request: The list import can support create, update and delete in the same import file. The List Item Bulk API requires separate create (POST) and update/delete (PATCH).

Managing dependencies within a request: The list import can manage ordering dependencies between list items such as creating a parent list item before the dependent child list item. With the List Item Bulk API, the caller needs to manage the ordering of dependencies to make sure the create parent list item comes before the create child item within the API request.

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