Travel Allowance Itineraries (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns the itineraries of a user. This includes header information such as configuration code, overlap type code, trip type code, and the itinerary segments.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
userId string uuid Required Unique identifier of a traveler(user).
context string - This parameter isn’t required. Possible values are TRAVEL_REQUEST and EXPENSE_REPORT.
contextId string - The unique identifier of a travel request or expense report. This parameter isn’t required.
startDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Start date of the selection interval. This parameter isn’t required.
endDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd End date of the selection interval. This parameter isn’t required.
pageId string - The ID of a page in case pagination is required to get all results.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc
Accept-Language: en-US


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "content": [
      "header": {
        "configurationCode": "GERMAN_RATE_DOMESTIC",
        "description": "Project at customer",
        "id": 2703,
        "userId": "5e029477-6582-48f3-91e8-bc34c7ed8448",
        "hasNoLodging": false,
        "overlapTypeCode": "TRIP_HOME",
        "tripTypeCode": "CUSTOMER_FACING",
      "segments": [
          "departureDate": "2023-11-01",
          "departureTime": "08:08",
          "departureLocationNameId": "1e90f2ec-e1ba-4e42-a295-2083421f3a40",
          "borderCrossingDate": "2023-11-01",
          "borderCrossingTime": "08:08",
          "arrivalDate": "2023-11-01",
          "arrivalTime": "08:08",
          "arrivalLocationNameId": "0340871b-2d9b-9ef4-b66e-6b044ab0981e",
          "address": {
            "city": "Nuernberg",
            "communityCode": "",
            "countryCode": "DE",
            "postalCode": "83263",
            "street": "Mozartstr. 95"
          "address": {
            "city": "",
            "communityCode": "",
            "countryCode": "",
            "postalCode": "",
            "street": ""
          "departureDate": "2023-11-06",
          "departureTime": "10:00",
          "departureLocationNameId": "0340871b-2d9b-9ef4-b66e-6b044ab0981e",
          "borderCrossingDate": "2023-11-06",
          "borderCrossingTime": "10:00",
          "arrivalDate": "2023-11-06",
          "arrivalTime": "10:00",
          "arrivalLocationNameId": "1e90f2ec-e1ba-4e42-a295-2083421f3a40"
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
  "links": [
      "rel": "next",
      "href": ""

Travel Allowance Itinerary (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns a specific itinerary of a user. This includes header information such as configuration code, overlap type code, trip type code, and the itinerary segments.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
userId string uuid Required Unique identifier of a traveler(user).
itineraryId integer int64 Required Unique identifier of an itinerary.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc
Accept-Language: en-US


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "header": {
    "configurationCode": "GERMAN_RATE_DOMESTIC",
    "description": "Project at customer",
    "id": 2703,
    "userId": "5e029477-6582-48f3-91e8-bc34c7ed8448",
    "hasNoLodging": false,
    "overlapTypeCode": "TRIP_HOME",
    "tripTypeCode": "CUSTOMER_FACING",
  "segments": [
      "departureDate": "2023-11-01",
      "departureTime": "08:08",
      "departureLocationNameId": "1e90f2ec-e1ba-4e42-a295-2083421f3a40",
      "borderCrossingDate": "2023-11-01",
      "borderCrossingTime": "08:08",
      "arrivalDate": "2023-11-01",
      "arrivalTime": "08:08",
      "arrivalLocationNameId": "0340871b-2d9b-9ef4-b66e-6b044ab0981e",
      "address": {
        "city": "Nuernberg",
        "communityCode": "",
        "countryCode": "DE",
        "postalCode": "83263",
        "street": "Mozartstr. 95"
      "address": {
        "city": "",
        "communityCode": "",
        "countryCode": "",
        "postalCode": "",
        "street": ""
      "departureDate": "2023-11-06",
      "departureTime": "10:00",
      "departureLocationNameId": "0340871b-2d9b-9ef4-b66e-6b044ab0981e",
      "borderCrossingDate": "2023-11-06",
      "borderCrossingTime": "10:00",
      "arrivalDate": "2023-11-06",
      "arrivalTime": "10:00",
      "arrivalLocationNameId": "1e90f2ec-e1ba-4e42-a295-2083421f3a40"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""

Response Header

    Content-Type: application/json
    Etag: "jVuvyo9fmtwtl8IeZGCpEyYAAAAAAAAA"

Travel Allowance Itinerary Assignments (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns the assignments of a specific itinerary of a user. This includes the context of the itinerary and the assignment to a contextId per period. Unassigned periods are returned with empty strings as contextId.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
userId string uuid Required Unique identifier of a traveler(user).
itineraryId integer int64 Required Unique identifier of an itinerary.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc
Accept-Language: en-US


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "context": "EXPENSE_REPORT",
  "itineraryPeriodAssignmentList": [
      "contextId": "42B42F3CFA6D476B88B6",
      "period": {
        "startDate": "2021-11-01",
        "endDate": "2021-11-05"
      "contextId": "",
      "period": {
        "startDate": "2021-11-06",
        "endDate": "2021-11-06"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""

Response Header

    Content-Type: application/json
    Etag: "jVuvyo9fmtwtl8IeZGCpEyYAAAAAAAAA"

Travel Allowance Itinerary Day Properties (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns the properties for each day of a specific itinerary of a user. This includes the deductions, lodging, meal type codes, and the location name ids per day.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
userId string uuid Required Unique identifier of a traveler(user).
itineraryId integer int64 Required Unique identifier of an itinerary.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc
Accept-Language: en-US


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "content": [
      "date": "2021-11-01",
      "deductions": [
          "deductiondeductionCategoryCode": "BREAKFAST",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductiondeductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductiondeductionCategoryCode": "DINNER",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductiondeductionCategoryCode": "LODGING",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
        "locationNameIds": [
      "lodgingTypeCode": "",
      "mealTypeCode": ""
      "date": "2021-11-02",
      "deductions": [
          "deductionCategoryCode": "BREAKFAST",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "DINNER",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LODGING",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
      "locationNameIds": [
      "lodgingTypeCode": "",
      "mealTypeCode": ""
      "date": "2021-11-03",
      "deductions": [
          "deductionCategoryCode": "BREAKFAST",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "DINNER",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LODGING",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
      "locationNameIds": [
      "lodgingTypeCode": "",
      "mealTypeCode": ""
      "date": "2021-11-04", 
      "deductions": [
          "deductionCategoryCode": "BREAKFAST",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "DINNER",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LODGING",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
      "locationNameIds": [
      "lodgingTypeCode": "",
      "mealTypeCode": ""
      "date": "2021-11-05",
      "deductions": [
          "deductionCategoryCode": "BREAKFAST",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "DINNER",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
          "deductionCategoryCode": "LODGING",
          "deductionTypeCode": ""
      "locationNameIds": [
      "lodgingTypeCode": "",
      "mealTypeCode": ""
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""

Response Header

    Content-Type: application/json
    Etag: "jVuvyo9fmtwtl8IeZGCpEyYAAAAAAAAA"


Itinerary Collection

Name Type Format Description
content array Itinerary Array of itinerary details.
links array Link Array of links available for this list of itineraries.


Name Type Format Description
header object ItineraryHeader  General data of the itinerary.
segmentList array ItinerarySegment List of segments of travel constructing the current itinerary.
links array Link Array of links available for this itinerary.

Itinerary Header

Name Type Format Description
configurationCode string - The configuration code used to calculate the settlement for the itinerary.
description string - Description of the itinerary.
hasNoLodging boolean true/ false Traveler indicates that the itinerary has no overnight stays, e.g. a truck driver is driving overnight.
id integer int64 Identification of the itinerary.
overlapTypeCode string - Overlap type, can be used to handle different kinds of (overlapping) trips within a trip.
tripTypeCode string - Trip type, can be used to apply different calculation rules or allowance rates.
userId string uuid Identification of the owner of the itinerary, i.e. the traveler.

Itinerary Segment

Name Type Format Description
address object Address Address of the professional activity at arrival location. Required to apply special calculations (e.g. German 3-month-rule).
arrivalDate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of arrival at the location.
arrivalLocationNameId string uuid Id of the arrival location; is either departure location of the next itinerary segment or home/office when itinerary ends with the current segment.
arrivalTime string HH:mm Time at the arrival location.
borderCrossingDate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of border crossing.
borderCrossingTime string HH:mm Time of border crossing.
departureDate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of departure from location.
departureLocationNameId string uuid Id of the departure location; is either home/office when itinerary begins with the current segment or the arrival location of the last itinerary segment.
departureTime string HH:mm Time at the departure location.


Name Type Format Description
city string Max length: 100, Min length: 0 City of location.
communityCode string Max length: 20, Min length: 0 Community code of location.
countryCode string [ISO 3166-1] , length 2 Country code of location.
postalCode string Max length: 20, Min length: 0 Postal code of location.
street string Max length: 200, Min length: 0 Street of location.

Itinerary Assignment

Name Type Format Description
context enum - The context of the itinerary. Supported values are: TRAVEL_REQUEST, EXPENSE_REPORT.
itineraryPeriodAssignments array ItineraryPeriodAssignment List of periods for the current itinerary with their unique assignment to a given context. Unassigned periods are returned with empty strings as contextId.
links array Link Array of links available for this itinerary assignment.

Itinerary Period Assignment

Name Type Format Description
contextId string - Context id to which current itinerary period is assigned. Empty string if the period is unassigned.
period object ItineraryPeriod Period of time in which an itinerary is assigned to a contextId.

Itinerary Period

Name Type Format Description
endDate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd End date of the current itinerary period.
startDate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Start date of the current itinerary period.

Itinerary Day Properties

Name Type Format Description
content array Itinerary Day Property Array of itinerary day property.
links array Link Array of links available for this itinerary day properties.

Itinerary Day Property

Name Type Format Description
date string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of the day within current itinerary.
deductions array ItineraryDeduction List of deduction categories relevant on date; each category can appear only once.
locationNameIds array of strings - List of location keys that the users stayed on this day.
lodgingTypeCode string - Lodging type; can be used to pay a special lodging rate, e.g. sleeping in a dorm or a youth hostel.
mealTypeCode string - Meal type; can be used to pay a special meal rate, e.g. eating in a canteen.

Itinerary Deduction

Name Type Format Description
deductionCategoryCode string - Category of deduction; it can be used to distinguish between breakfast, lunch, Lunch & dinner, night, for example.
deductionTypeCode string - Type of deduction; it can be used to distinguish between full deduction or partial deduction for the given category, for example.
Name Type Format Description
rel string [RFC 5988] Relation type as defined by the server. There are registered relation types listed in RFC 5988 6.2.2. Initial Registry Contents including pagination relation types of next and self.
href string [RFC 3986] The URL of the link.

On this page