
Access Tokens

The Oauth2 service generates access tokens for authenticated users, applications or companies. The token returned in the Oauth2 response can be used to access protected resources on SAP Concur services.

The Oauth2 response can, depending on grant type contain these values:

Name Type Format Description
expires_in string - The lifetime in seconds of the access token
scope string - The scope of the access token as granted to the client application
token_type string - The type of token returned. Value will be Bearer
access_token string - Token used to access protected resources of SAP Concur services.
refresh_token string - Refresh token required to request a new access token for a given user.
geolocation string - The base URL for where the user profile lives. See base URI for usage.
id_token string - The OIDC Token in the JSON Web Token (JWT) format that describes the user or company

Token Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 3397
Connection: Close
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
  "id_token": "oidc_token",
  "geolocation": ""

Obtaining a token

You can obtain a token for three different types of principals in the SAP Concur universe.

  • User
  • Application
  • Company

Token Lifetime

An accessToken has a one hour lifetime.

In order to obtain a token, the client application needs to call the Oauth2 endpoint using various grants depending on the authentication scenarios required. The full list of supported scenarios is provided below:

Refreshing a token

The refresh grant is used to refresh an access_token that has expired. This grant can be used anytime a refresh_token is returned in the response of another grant request. No user interaction is required.

Token Lifetime

A refresh token has a six month lifetime. If the refresh token expires, the client application must reinitiate the authorization process. When a refresh token is used to request a new access token, both a new access token as well as a new refresh token are returned in the response. This token can change even if most of the time, this value is the same. Client applications should treat all returned refresh tokens as new tokens and overwrite the stored tokens with the new token from the response.

It is recommended that the client application use the refresh grant to request a new access token as the initial step of accessing protected resources of SAP Concur services.

Refreshing the token

To request a new access token using a valid refresh token, use the Oauth2 /token endpoint. Use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

POST /oauth2/v0/token

Post Body

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Required The client applications client_id supplied by App Management
client_secret string UUID Required The client applications client_secret supplied by App Management
refresh_token string - Required An existing valid refresh token to be used to request a new access token
scope string - Optional The client applications list of scopes
grant_type string - Required The grant type instructs the Oauth2 service how to process the request. For refresh token, the value must be refresh_token


POST /oauth2/v0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 437



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 3397
Connection: Close
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
  "id_token": "oidc_token",
  "geolocation": ""

When the token has been refreshed, store the geolocation and the refresh token as they may have changed. On subsequent calls, use the last received geolocation and refresh token.

Revoking a token

All refresh tokens associated to a user for an application can be revoked by calling the endpoint with a DELETE action. You have to provide the User’s accessToken in the Authorization Header as Authorization: Bearer <access_token>.



Authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Managing tokens

Refresh Tokens are strings that allow your application to obtain a fresh accessToken on behalf of a user to access SAP Concur APIs. The exact format of the string can change, but may look similar to the following:


or like this:


It is highly recommended that you store Refresh Tokens together with your user’s authorization metadata in your application every time you obtain a new refreshToken as they might change depending on different scenarios.

FOR APP CENTER AND SUPPLIER PARTNERS supporting all geolocations, storing the authorization metadata, including the geolocation are REQUIRED.

Base URIs

When making API calls, the appropriate base URI should be used. The full list of available token geolocations is available on the Base URIs page.

There are three different scenarios:

  1. Obtaining a token for a user.
  2. Refreshing a token.
  3. Calling other APIs.

The base URI for obtaining a token depends on the grant being performed. The base URI for refreshing tokens and all other API calls will leverage the token’s geolocation.

Base URIs for Obtaining a Token

When obtaining a token, your application should use the base URI corresponding to the grant type being performed, as follows:

Grant Type URI
Authorization Use the GLZ base URI
Password (credtype = password) Use the base URI corresponding to the user’s geolocation
Password (credtype = authtoken) Use the GLZ base URI
Client Credentials Use any Production base URI
One Time Password Use the base URI corresponding to the user’s geolocation

There are two endpoints for each geolocation - one is the default (used for server-side calls) and the other should be used for client-side calls.

When obtaining the token, the token’s geolocation will be included in the response. The token’s geolocation should be stored along with the token. Your application will then make subsequent calls using the token and the correct endpoints based on the token’s geolocation.

Base URIs for All Other Calls

When refreshing a token or when calling any other APIs, the token’s geolocation should be used as the base URI.

Note: Client-side calls should use the www- variant of the base URI.


Consider an example where your application obtains a token and receives the response below:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 3397
Connection: Close
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
  "id_token": "oidc_token",
  "geolocation": ""

When your application calls another API, such as the receipts API to post a receipt, the request should be made using the base URI specified in the geolocation value of the response. In the example above, that request would be made to (if server side) or (for clients). The geolocation value can be any of the supported base URIs. The application should store the specific geolocation it receives, and use it as the base URI for future API calls when using that token.

ID Token

Authentication service will return an OPENID compatible ID token with every token request. This id_token is primarily used to describe information about a user or a company. You can obtain the userId from this token.

Sample id_token:

  "aud": "e010e25d-b4ce-4ce3-a7e4-b670cb1adcb0",
  "concur.profile": "",
  "concur.version": 2,
  "concur.type": "user",
  "sub": "76459ad3-f77b-4d98-a21a-55333c9179f0",
  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1485485529,
  "nbf": 1485481929,
  "at_hash": "351515a6482f4ee1",
  "iat": 1485481929

Verifying an id_token

The Authentication service exposes JWKs that can be used to validate the id_token in the form of a JWT. Validating a JWT is described in detail in RFC 7519 - sec 7.2

This is the link to the SAP Concur JSON Web Key for Oauth2.

Authorization grant

The authorization grant is the regular 3-legged oauth2 grant and is defined in detail in RFC6749 sec-4.1. This grant requires the user to authenticate themselves and authorize the application initiating the grant.

If the user is already authenticated and signed in to SAP Concur with an active session, they will not be prompted to sign in again. If the user does not have an active session, they will be challenged to sign in to SAP Concur.

Who should use it

  • 3rd party “partner” websites - or -
  • non-SAP Concur Applications - & -
  • Applications that need explicit user authentication & authorization - & -
  • Applications that can securely store a code, access_token & refresh_token

Grant details

Note that the grant type must be accessed using the www- version of the API Gateway to avoid certificate issues with some browsers. (ex: instead of

GET /oauth2/v0/authorize

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Applications client_id supplied by App Management
redirect_uri string - The redirect URI for your application to continue with the Oauth2 flow
scope string - List of scopes that application is asking for
response_type string - code
state string -  

If the user must authenticate themselves, they have the same sign-in options available when signing in to the SAP Concur application:

  1. Username and password
  2. Single Single-On (SSO)
  3. One-time link sent to an email address

Once the user is successfully authenticated and the user authorizes your application, the user will be redirected to the redirect_URI specified in the initial /authorize call with a temporary token appended.


If the user is not successfully authenticated or does not authorize the scopes for your application, an error code and description will be appended to the redirect URI. Please refer to the Response Codes section for more information.

Your application must then exchange the temporary token for an access token using the GLZ base URI.

Note: When a geolocation is sent to your application as a query parameter, that value can also be used to form a proper base URI, but it’s recommended that your application always use the GLZ base URI.


Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Applications client_id supplied by App Management
client_secret string UUID Applications client_secret supplied by App Management
redirect_uri string - The redirect_uri that is registered for the application
code string UUID The authorization code provided by Auth
grant_type string - authorization_code

Password grant

The Password grant can be used when there is a trust relationship between the user and the application. There are two credential types allowed with Password Grant:

  1. “Password”: with this credential type, the application either already has the user’s credentials or can obtain the user’s credentials by directly interacting with the user.
  2. “AuthToken”: This credential type is used for connections from the App Center. For App Center partners and TripLink suppliers, please refer to the certification documentation for more information.

Post Body

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Applications client_id supplied by App Management
client_secret string UUID Applications client_secret supplied by App Management
grant_type string - Specify which grant type you expect the oauth2 service to process. for password grant, the value is password
username string - specify the username or userId
password string - specify the user’s password
credtype string - The credtype signifies to oauth2 which credential set is being submitted in the request. There are two supported values: authtoken and password. For connections from the App Center, use authtoken. if omitted, oauth2 will assume the type is password.


POST /oauth2/v0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 175



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 3397
Connection: Close
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
  "id_token": "oidc_token",
  "geolocation": ""

example bad login

  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "Incorrect Credentials. Please Retry",
  "code": 5

Client Credentials grant

Use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

POST /oauth2/v0/token

Post Body

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Required Applications client_id supplied by App Management
client_secret string UUID Required Applications client_secret supplied by App Management
grant_type string - Required Specify which grant type you expect the oauth2 service to process. For client_credentials grant, the value is client_credentials


POST /oauth2/v0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 127



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 1626
Connection: Close
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "geolocation": ""

One Time Password grant

The One-time Password grant type leverages email, phone (text messaging), instant messaging and similar systems to provide per user access tokens to client applications. This grant type requires the following steps:

  1. The calling application calls the OAuth2 service specifying the otp grant type along with required parameters.
  2. The OAuth2 service generates a one time token which it sends through the messaging mechanism chosen by the application.
  3. The user retrieves the token and presents it to the application. The means of having this presented to the application is the responsibility of the application.
  4. The application presents this one-time token to the OAuth2 service via the token endpoint.

Request a one-time token to be sent to the user

Use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

POST /oauth2/v0/otp

Post Body

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Required The client_id as defined in the SAP Concur application management system.
client_secret string UUID Required The client_secret as set by the client owner in the SAP Concur application management system.
channel_handle string - Required The location (email address, phone number) where the one time token should be sent. Currently, only email address is valid.
channel_type string - Required The type of messaging system to use. Currently only email is valid
name string - Optional The name of the user that appears in the email.
company string - Optional The company or application name that appears in the email.
link string - Optional The callback URL that appears in the email for users to click to complete the auth flow.

The calling application code can also append n-number of unique client defined parameters in the URI for the purpose of connecting the one time token to the application when received by the user. The names of these parameters cannot conflict with the API defined parameters.

The following are reserved words and cannot be used as client application defined parameters:

/otp: "client_id" "client_secret" "channel_type" "channel_handle"
/token: "client_id" "client_secret" "channel_type" "channel_handle" "scope" "grant_type" "otp"

If the calling application chooses to send custom parameters, all of these exact same parameters must be included in subsequent API calls to acquire the access token. In other words, the URI signature, modulo the one time token parameter itself and token service specific parameters, must match the originating URI signature.


POST /oauth2/v0/otp HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
Connection: close
Content-Length: 437

&channel_handle=email adress


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 22
Date: date-requested
  "message": "otp sent"

Request an access token

The One Time Password grant requires that all of the parameters, including client application defined parameters to be sent in the request body when requesting an access token. Use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

POST oauth2/v0/token

Post Body

Name Type Format Description
client_id string UUID Required The client_id as defined in the SAP Concur application management system.
client_secret string UUID Required The client_secret as set by the client owner in the SAP Concur application management system.
channel_handle string - Required The location (email address, phone number) where the one time token should be sent.
channel_type string - Required The type of messaging system to use. Currently only email is valid
scope string - The scope(s) requested by the client for the token.
grant_type string - Required The grant type being used, specifically for this approach: otp.
otp string - Required The one-time token provided as a result of the Send a one time token to the user method.


POST /oauth2/v0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 437

&channel_handle=email adress


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: date-requested
Content-Length: 1490
Connection: keep-alive
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "app-scopes",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
  "id_token": "oidc_token",
  "geolocation": ""

Response Codes

HTTP Status returned by oauth2
HTTP Status Description
200 OK - Successful call, response is in body.
400 Bad Request (error, error_description, code)
401 Unauthorized (error, error_description, code)
403 Forbidden (error, error_description, code)
404 Not Found (error, error_description, code)
500 Server Error, error message is in body.
503 Server Timed Out, error message is in body.

4xx class errors have a JSON response with the following fields

  "code": <number>,
  "error": <error>,
  "error_description": <error_description>,
  "geolocation": <geolocation url where user lives>

If the authorization or authentication are unsuccessful, your application will receive an error code and description at the redirect_uri provided.


In all cases, the friendly error description should be displayed to the user.

Code Error Description
5 invalid_grant Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
10 invalid_grant Account is disabled. Please contact support
11 invalid_grant Account is disabled. Please contact support
12 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support
13 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support
14 invalid_grant Account Locked. Please contact support
16 invalid_request user lives elsewhere
19 invalid_grant Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
20 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support (typically due to IP restriction)
21 invalid_request Incorrect credentials. SSO-only client attempted a password login.
51 invalid_request username was not supplied
52 invalid_request password was not supplied
53 invalid_client company is not enabled for this client
54 invalid_scope requested scope exceeds granted scope
55 invalid_request we don’t know this email
56 invalid_request otp was not supplied
57 invalid_request channel_type missing
58 invalid_request channel_handle missing
59 access_denied client disabled
60 invalid_grant these are not the grants you are looking for
61 invalid_client client not found
62 invalid_request client_id was not supplied
63 invalid_request client_secret was not supplied
64 invalid_client Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
65 invalid_request grant_type was not supplied
80 invalid_request invalid channel type
81 invalid_request bad channel handle
83 invalid_request otp not found
84 invalid_request fact verification failed
85 invalid_request otp verification failed
100 invalid_request backend does not know about this username
101 invalid_request code was not supplied
102 invalid_request redirect_uri was not supplied
103 invalid_request code is bad or expired
104 invalid_grant redirect_uri does not match the previous grant
105 invalid_grant this grant was not issued to you!
106 invalid_request refresh_token was not supplied
107 invalid_request refresh disallowed for app
108 invalid_grant bad or expired refresh token
109 invalid_request loginid was not supplied
115 invalid_request unauthenticated client will not be issued token!
117 invalid_request nonce is mandatory for this response_type
118 invalid_request display is invalid
119 invalid_request prompt is invalid
119 invalid_request prompt must be set to consent for offline_access
120 invalid_request credtype is invalid
121 invalid_request login_type is invalid
122 invalid_request proxies supplied are invalid
123 invalid_request principal is disabled
124 invalid_request product is invalid
135 invalid_request unsupported request format
136 invalid_request Authtoken was not issued for you
139 invalid_request Logon Denied. Password must be changed to meet company policy.
Code Error Description
16 invalid_request user lives elsewhere
57 invalid_request channel_type was not supplied
58 invalid_request channel_handle was not supplied
60 invalid_grant these are not the grants you are looking for
61 invalid_client client_id is not known to us
62 invalid_request client_id was not supplied
63 invalid_request client_secret was not supplied
80 invalid_request invalid channel type
81 invalid_request bad channel handle
82 invalid_request the number of open otp requests has been exceeded
135 invalid_request unsupported request format


In order to assist with troubleshooting, SAP Concur responds with a unique correlationId in the response header. The key to look for is correlationid. This unique code can be used during troubleshooting as it identifies the API call in the log files. You should record this information in your own API call logs as well so that you can pass this information on to the SAP Concur support team.

Example of the correlationid in the response:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: cnqr-papeete
< Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 22:07:05 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 2897
< Connection: keep-alive
< Concur-Correlationid: 2803b8f8-a42b-43c2-a739-b8768e4759b8

Enterprise Business Applications

Only the Password Grant Type is available for obtaining company-level tokens.

  1. To begin the authentication flow, a Customer’s SAP Concur Administrator clicks on the Connect button within the App Center listing and authorizes the partner’s app. This app listing is located within customer’s SAP Concur system’s App Center tab.
  2. The SAP Concur authorization service will redirect the Admin to the Partner’s Landing Page. Partners should follow the App Center UX Guidelines to create a web page that listens for an HTTP GET request from SAP Concur.
  3. The redirect URI will contain an id, requestToken and userId parameters. Example: https://{partner_redirect_URI}?id=8568a4cd-8ffc-49d6-9417-be2d69aa075f&requestToken=5l85ae5a-426f-4d6f-8af4-08648c4b696b&userId=9bdded51-00b8-4f84-8bef-6d3afe727007
  4. When the Partner application receives the redirect call, the Partner should strip the id and requestToken values from the URI and use those on a Post request to the SAP Concur Authorization service to obtain the official Oauth2 Access Token and Refresh Token for the customer using the password grant. We currently have 3 Data Centers and the API end points change based on these Data Centers so it is imperative the proper token management is followed. Otherwise, your app will not make the correct call per Access token.
  5. An access token is valid for only one hour. The access token should be cached in memory and discarded after use.
  6. After the Admin has successfully completed the login/enrollment process, the Partner should store the following elements with the customer’s profile metadata.
    • refresh_token: Valid for six months from the day and time issued.
    • refresh_expires_in: This is Epoch time format, convert to UTC.
    • geolocation: To be used when making API calls on behalf of the customer.
    • id: Aka sub, is the customer’s unique identifier (UUID). It can be retrieved from the following sources:
    • From the re-direct URI as the id element.
    • By decoding the id_token returned with Access token, as the sub element. (See
  7. It is highly recommended that Partners log the following elements:
    • userId: the user who clicked on the Connect button (returned in the re-direct URI)
    • correlationid: SAP Concur responds with a unique code which identifies the API call in the log files. (returned in the response header). More details can be found here.

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