Hotel v2 - Descriptive Info

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Deprecation Date: 10/14/2022

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Message to retrieve descriptive details about a given hotel. This may include text and/or a number of URL pointed to hosted images. Concur does not host any hotel images.

SOAPAction OTA Name Message Structure
detail HotelDescriptiveInfo OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQ


<Envelope xmlns="">
  <Header xmlns="">
    <authentication xmlns="">
  <Body xmlns="">
    <OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQ xmlns="" EchoToken="test_request_id" Version="3" PrimaryLangID="de" AltLangID="de">
        <Source ISOCurrency="USD">
          <RequestorID Type="1" ID="HTL011235"></RequestorID>
        <HotelDescriptiveInfo ChainCode="AB" HotelCode="2575"></HotelDescriptiveInfo>


Name Type Description
HotelDescriptiveInfos complex Required Collection of items for data from multiple hotels. SAP Concur will only ever send one (1) HotelDescriptiveInfo.


Name Type Description
HotelDescriptiveInfo complex Required This allows the requestor to indicate which specific information is requested if complete hotel details are not required.


Name Type Description
ChainCode stringLength1to8 The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.
HotelCode stringLength1to16 Required The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.


The maximum allowed size of OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRS is 150 KB. Any response that exceeds this limit will be dropped.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
  <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""/>
    <OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRS xmlns="" Version="3">
        <HotelDescriptiveContent ChainCode="ZZ" HotelCode="2575" HotelName="Torbräu">
              <DescriptiveText>Hotel description</DescriptiveText>
            <Description Name="This will be a header">
              <Text>First line of first description.</Text>
              <Text>Second line of first description.</Text>
              <Text>Second description without name.</Text>


Name Type Description
HotelDescriptiveContents complex Required Contains hotel details content which is made up of text and image URLs.


Name Type Description
HotelDescriptiveContent complex Required Contains hotel details content which is made up of text and image URLs. SAP Concur expects one (1) HotelDescriptiveContent.


Name Type Description
HotelCode stringLength1to16 Required The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.
HotelName stringLength1to128 Required A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel. SAP Concur always expects the Hotel Name to be provided.
HotelInfo complex Contains descriptive information about a hotel.
TPA_Extensions complex SAP Concur specific extensions.
MultimediaDescriptions complex Multimedia information about a collection of multimedia objects. SAP Concur expects one (1) MultimediaDescription element.


Name Type Description
Descriptions complex Contains descriptive information about a hotel. SAP Concur expects one (1) Descriptions.


Name Type Description
DescriptiveText string Descriptive text that describes the hotel. SAP Concur expects one (1) DescriptiveText


Name Type Description
Description complex Represents text which will be rendered in the UI in the form of a heading and a paragraph.


Name Type Description
name stringLength1to64 The contents of this element will be rendered as a heading on the hotel details page.
Text string Required The contents of this element will be rendered as a paragraph. SAP Concur expects a maximum of 20 text elements per description, which will be concatenated to into one (1) paragraph.


Name Type Description
MultimediaDescription complex Holds a list of ImageItems, each representing a single hotel image.


Name Type Description
ImageItems complex Holds a list of ImageItem, each representing a single hotel image. SAP Concur expects up to a maximum of 200 ImageItem elements.


Name Type Description
ImageItem complex One (1) ImageItem per hotel image.


Name Type Description
ImageFormat complex Format of image.


Name Type Description
URL string Required Contains a HTTPS URL pointing to a hotel image. The URLs are used in a client-side gallery widget, which works best with .png and .jpg files.

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