Pre-2017 Authorization (Deprecated)

This API has been deprecated.

Deprecation Date: 02/04/2017

If you are a new partner or an existing one creating a new app, please refer to the new authentication version documentation.

Please contact your Partner Enablement representative before starting any new development to ensure a smooth and successful certification process.

Partners and customers using a deprecated API should contact SAP Concur and discuss moving to the latest versions.

Learn more in the API Lifecycle & Deprecation Policy.

Access tokens

An access token is a long-lived token used to make API calls.

Verb and URIs

All authentication and authorization tasks use the GET verb and URI as noted here depending on type of application:

Type Verb + URI
Native GET https://{InstanceURL}/net2/oauth2/accesstoken.ashx
Web or Auto-Connect GET https://{InstanceURL}/net2/oauth2/GetAccessToken.ashx

Keys and Secrets

The Application Authorization section in the New Partner Application page includes Key and Secret fields that are used to generate a request token which is later exchanged for an access token.

Field URI Parameter Description
Key client_id Unique identifier for the application.
Secret client_secret Unique value for the application.

Getting an access token


Name Type Format Description
code string {request_token} Required The request token.
client_id string {key} Required The application key.
client_secret string {secret} Required The application secret.




Name Type Format Description
Instance_URL string - Identifies the Concur datacenter where the user’s data resides. For example, if the Instance_Url is, then all API calls for this user should use this URL as a prefix in subsequent API calls
Token string - The access token value passed in the Authorization header when making API calls. It is a long-lived token which is currently set to expire after one year from creation. You should securely store the token and use it for all subsequent API requests until the token expires. Before it does, you should send a request to refresh the token prior to the expiration date.
Expiration_Date string - The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date and time when the access token expires.
Refresh_Token string - Token with a new expiration date of a year from the refresh date. You should securely store the refresh token for a user and use it for all subsequent API requests.

Refreshing an access token

NOTE: The token being refreshed must be used to make the refresh call.

Verb + URI
GET https://{InstanceURL}/net2/oauth2/getaccesstoken.ashx?refresh_token={your refresh token}&client_id={your_client_id}&client_secret={your_client_secret}


Name Type Format Description
refresh_token string Refresh_Token Required The refresh token.
client_id string {key} Required The application key.
client_secret string {secret} Required The application secret.




Name Type Format Description
Instance_URL string - Identifies the Concur datacenter where the user’s data resides. For example, if the Instance_Url is, then all API calls for this user should use this URL as a prefix in subsequent API calls
Token string - The access token value passed in the Authorization header when making API calls. It is a long-lived token which is currently set to expire after one year from creation. You should securely store the token and use it for all subsequent API requests until the token expires. Before it does, you should send a request to refresh the token prior to the expiration date.
Expiration_Date string - The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date and time when the access token expires.

Revoking a single access token for a given user

POST https://{InstanceURL}/net2/oauth2/revoketoken.ashx

Note: To revoke tokens, the caller must have one of the following roles:

  • Web Services Administrator for Concur Professional/Premium
  • Can Administrator for Concur Standard.


Header Format Description
Authorization OAuth {access_token} of user with proper role.


Name Type Format Description
token string {access_token} Required The token to be revoked.




Authorization: OAuth fdjhk2382kwkajsklwe8i3932kslswl

Revoking all access tokens for a user



Header Format Description
Authorization OAuth {access_token} of user with proper role.


Name Type Format Description
consumerKey string {key} Required The key of the application.
user string {user_LoginID} Required The LoginID of the user.


w None


Authorization: OAuth fdjhk2382kwkajsklwe8i3932kslswl

Choosing an authorization flow

Use this table to decide which OAuth 2.0 authorization flow to use for the application:

If you need to… Use this flow
Get an access token for prototyping, designing and testing an application. Native
Get an access token for a user with the Web Services Administrator role and don’t require the user to assent (usually for back-office integration apps). Native
Inform the end-user how the app will access their data. Web or App Center
Have an end-user-facing app and wish to initiate the account linking from the app, outside of the Concur App Center. NOTE: These apps must also support App Center Flow so your app is available in the Mobile App Center. Most end-user apps will be used predominantly on a mobile device. Web
Distribute the app in the Mobile App Center App Center
Distribute the app in the App Center and are not a TripLink supplier. App Center
Distribute the app in the App Center and are a TripLink supplier. Auto-Connect


The request must contain the following HTTP headers:


Header Format Description
Authorization The Base-64 encoded Concur credentials (LoginID:Password) of the user requesting access in the HTTP Basic Authentication format. If no password is used, the user name must still end with a colon.
X-ConsumerKey {key} Unique identifier for the application.


GET {uri}
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
X-ConsumerKey: hj7683jslks93lalkjss93


Access token response


There are two types of access levels that can be enabled with web flow:

Type Description
Company Level A company can enable an application to use their data in Concur.
User Level A user can enable apps to use their individual data.

This is determined by the type of Concur user account used in the process.

The web flow is as follows:

  1. Application redirection to the Concur website for authentication and authorization.
  2. Parse of a inbound HTTP request from the Concur system to an application specified endpoint.
  3. Getting an access token

Application Redirection to the Concur website for authentication and authorization.{parameters}

Name Type Format Description
client_id string {key} Required The application key.
scope string {scope} The comma separated list of APIs for which authorization will be granted.
redirect_uri string - The URI of the partner application where Concur will redirect the user after authentication and access approval.
state string - Optional partner application-defined state variable. This variable is specified by the partner application and will be returned intact by the the SAP Concur OAuth provider when the user is redirected to the redirect URL. Values are generally passed in this parameter when the state of the value cannot be maintained by the partner application, for instance when making calls between multiple, disparate web pages. Example: The state variable can contain the ID of the user in the partner application, so that the token returned in the callback can be associated to the specified user and subsequently saved in the database of the partner application.
Scope Description
ATTEND Attendee List Web Service
CONFIG Expense Configuration Web Service
ERECPT E-Receipts Web Service
EXPRPT Expense Report Web Service, Quick Expense Web Service
EXTRCT Extract Web Service
IMAGE Imaging Web Service
INSGHT Insights Web Service
INVPO Invoice Purchase Order Web Service
ITINER Itinerary Web Service
LIST List Item Web Service
MTNG Meeting Web Service
PAYBAT Payment Batch Web Service
TRVPRF Travel Profile Web Service
TRVREQ Travel Request Web Service
TWS Trip Approval Web Service
USER User Web Service

Parse of a inbound HTTP request from the Concur system to an application specified endpoint.


  • If access is denied the error and error_description parameters are used.
  • If access is granted the code parameter is used.
Name Type Format Description
error string - The name of the error.
error_description string - Description of the error.
code string {request_token} The request token.


The AppCenter flow is as follows:

  1. Listening for an HTTP GET request from the Concur system.
    • The listener must be hosted at the URI specified in the App Center listing.
    • The request will be in this form: GET {listener_URI}?code={request_token}
  2. Parsing the request token value from the code query parameter.
  3. Getting an access token


The Auto-Connect flow is an authorization to support Connection Requests API calls from TripLink applications. During the Auto-Connect flow, the request token associated with a TripLink application is exchanged for an access token for the user who granted the TripLink application access to the user’s Concur data.

  1. Periodically getting a list of connection requests.

    GET /common/connectionrequests

  2. For each user in the connection requests response: Getting an access token

  3. For each connection request, call any other Concur APIs you need to match the Concur user with the user in your system. When the user is successfully matched, or when matching fails, update the connection request.

    PUT /common/connectionrequests/{id}

  4. If you encounter an error that makes it impossible to complete the connection process, revoke the access token so the user knows that the connection attempt failed and they can try again at a later time.

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